LST 600watt t'5s cfl's Master kush,GDP,OG,X-13 1week 3 days first grow pics!!!!


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2 weeks 3 days from clone.

new update i tried to clone i failed hard lmao maybe one might survive. i using cloning gel, botancare line of veggin followed the cutting mesurements in tsp per gal. now i tried to do a little hydro experiment. filled bottom cloning tray with water half way up to the cubes. then i put the other tray which the clones are placed into keep it in order, had two hoses from an air pump to reach the water on both sides worked out nice. saw a lot of pretty bubbles ahahahah no homo. always kept the dome wet. all of them pretty much died lmao. next time i wont do the water at the bottom with the air until they root, then put the air back. looks like a nice little dwc.

heres pics of my little baby monsters! looking nice i think what do you think?


temps now are lowest70 highest 79 mostly 77 all around thats at the canopy. i have to buy a humid. to encreas my humidty its low at 21% I place water jugs all around the room so hopefully it increases.


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I lost the battle, 3 days ago I notice my plants were dying, didn't see any spider mites till yesterday, they blew up crazyyy. So I used a whole bottle of safer lmao , turned off the lights for 2hrs then I wentto my graveyard shift came backnow and all my plants are pretty much dead ececpt for my unrooted clones lmaooooooooo oh and before work I cut like20 leafs from 12 plants they were infested with eggs, powder on leafs holes , yellow so I cut them! Noob fails!! With a 600 watt hps two t5's 2 cflls lmaoooo weeeeeee​


Active Member
lovely finished plant mate ! those buds look dank as, i noticed there is no little hole in your pots from LST string being tied from them, or how/where are you tying them too,


Active Member
well my plants are fucked now spidermiteswhich to much safer spray lol. But my 600hps was on the side of the plants ,they grew towards the light , once they were leaning nice I rotatedthe pot so the other side could get light and grow, I'm ordering ladybugs, how many do I need?


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sucks when you fail hard lol, they might come back, I cut all the nasty orange leafs etc. I see new growth , if I don't see full leafs in a week I'm going to rip the plants out of the pots and replace them with brand new clones which cost me about 150 and pretend like this never happened lol


Active Member
well I did not fail they all came back, now they are to big. waiting for my next payday to buy flowering nutes so i can flower these mofo's check them out!
CIMG0244.jpg< will be my mother plant (masterkush) CIMG0245.jpg2nd pic of my mother cant wait to use that branch as my clone weeeeCIMG0246.jpgCIMG0248.jpg


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I'm flowering one plant how long will botanicare pro blen bloom + liq karma+ silacablact + hydrozyme , work for before I need other nutes? Any ideas on what else ishould buy asap?