

Active Member
Im not experienced enough to make lsd but lsa is easy to obtain and i want to try it.
Is it a good trip? hallucinations? whats it like? and how many damn morning glory seeds would i have to eat to get a strong trip?


Well-Known Member
According to erowid, 400 seeds suggests a heavy dose (10g+)

If you order seeds, get them from an online shop. Most nurseries and chain stores sell seeds with chemicals on them.


Active Member
The trip is amazing. You need plenty of seeds though. I can't wait til my next batch comes in, the trip is totally worth the (minimal) work it takes to make. In my opinion that is. its the only hallucinogen i've taken.


Active Member
Thanks for the info. So ill have to do some reasearch into dosage lol, but it sounds like a good trip to me. Can anyone go into detail about what the trip is like? or what is it comparable to?


Active Member
According to erowid, 400 seeds suggests a heavy dose (10g+)

If you order seeds, get them from an online shop. Most nurseries and chain stores sell seeds with chemicals on them.
erowid is great but sometimes their dosage is off IMHO


Well-Known Member
erowid is great but sometimes their dosage is off IMHO
Fair enough, erowid is just one of the sites I trust more. Most of the time their dosage is off in the safer direction (their heavy doses aren't really as heavy) which can be a good thing.


Well-Known Member
600 is what i generally like. LSA is more of like a chilladelic trip than the up-and-going-nowhere trip that LSD usually is. For me, the best times for it are fishing or camping or something where you can just chill out and enjoy the visuals. Not really the right feeling for the rave scene... One thing to remember though is that psychedelics are different for everyone. I take a heavy dose because im fairly experienced with hallucinogens.


Well-Known Member
600 is what i generally like. LSA is more of like a chilladelic trip than the up-and-going-nowhere trip that LSD usually is. For me, the best times for it are fishing or camping or something where you can just chill out and enjoy the visuals. Not really the right feeling for the rave scene... One thing to remember though is that psychedelics are different for everyone. I take a heavy dose because im fairly experienced with hallucinogi coulens.
Raves and tripping can be bad, be warned. When i was a young buck i took a ten strip of some silver crystal and was eventually led out by hand because i couldnt see or speak or understand anyone but one chick i knew. Everyone started looking like ant alien like people. My friend earlier when i was peaking waved a large stuffed smurf in my face and it came across like a rainbow of colors. One of a few highlights but i eventually lost it and was babbling crazy lost in my mind and the later half was a bad one for me. About an hour away from the party i eventually spit out the word "comprehend" and kind of snapped out of it.

Just be around people you like and dont get into anything too complicated where you need to make a lot of decisions. Always stay calm and realize YOU CANT DIE FROM AN OVERDOSE, you just will have one really long day that may last a few days that will end up with a long needed sleep. Stay safe and have fun!

Some of my best trips were with friends and i had little to do but enjoy the trip with my hoodie and bag of smoke to really kick things in.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, LSA is nothing like LSD. Plus you get BAD nausea from HBWR, I puked after 8 seeds with hardly any visuals


Well-Known Member
Raves and tripping can be bad, be warned. When i was a young buck i took a ten strip of some silver crystal and was eventually led out by hand because i couldnt see or speak or understand anyone
Part of having a good time is being responsible enough to know your boundaries and be smart enough to know a good set and setting. A ten strip at a rave may not be right for everyone, ive taken 8 200mcg tabs at a festival and it was fantastic, insanely intense trip. I didnt do anything but stand around staring at things for about 4 hours before i decided i could be a part of what was going on.

If you decided to get so fuct that you can't be functional, maybe a different setting, like a campsite, or your house, would be better for you.


Well-Known Member
Ive taken LSA a few times. Good stuff :). If your not too keen on nausea, take some ginger with it too. might help abit. And don't eat beforehand. I had a boatload of Morning glory and got so close to throwing up, but held it down. Amazing trip though. I watched the animatrix and trip my balls off. I thought I was a fish in water lol.
Anyway, trips on HBWR they recommend about 5-10 seeds, while morning glory is weaker it's reccomended to take 50-100 seeds. I knew people that tried 25-50 and said they didnt get much effect from it. I myself did only 30 with a water extraction and had only calming and meditative effects. I actually sell this stuff on Ebay if your interested. Seller: wilcox.andrew Good price, fresh seeds. :)