Lots of pics NEW veg/clone box


Active Member

Stealth! haha under my TV!

Hey guys! Well I am about to start my first grow. I am currently
setting up my "veg/clone cab". I have not put mylar on the walls yet
but I will.I dont have everything yet but heres
my plans for this grow.Heres the dimentions on the SMALL grow cab
15 inches high 2 feet wide and 11 inches deep. Its really small and
I want your advice on if I should just wait and build the veg cab
like im going to build the flowering cab with 2x4's and poly for the
white interior. I was planning on using this to veg maybe 1 or 2
plants in here and than building a flowering room in about 2 weeks.
I plan on transplanting the rockwool cubes when the roots are
developed into light warrior Fox farm soil cut with perlite about
25-50% perlite.in dixie cups. using no further nutrience unless
I need to. maybe some bat guano for flowering. and some other
organic things I find by then. Than after my plant looks healthy
and about 12 inches tall I will transplant them in Ocean Forest
fox farm soil cut 25-50% perlite. I am planning on buying a 250w
hps for flowering. also a 5x5 room 6 feet tall made out of 2x4's
poly and possibly mylar. full ventilation will be installed to this
flowering room, big fans ect...
I am facing some problems because if you look through my pictures
and find my temps are currently 86 degrees during the day. And
the humidity is at a low of 36% thats why i put that cup
of water in their. I need advice tho. please feel free to comment!!
I have 4 26w CFLs and 2 20w CFLS
start in rockwool
transplant into Light Warrior by Fox Farm
using dixie cups
than transplant again 2 weeks later into 6 inch pots
but still using Light Warrior soil.
Than as I put them into flowering
using a 250w or a 400w (havent decided yet)
hortilux EYE bulb
change light cycle to 12/12
transplant into ocean forest mix
I am pretty stoned and just wanted to throw up some
pics of my plans and current problems.
I am not going into COMPLETE detail right now
but as I make more purchases you will be aware.
Until next time!!!
PS: The strain of seeds I am waiting to come in the mail are from
Elite genetics. Ultimate chemdawg 1991 (elites cut). I have smoked
it one time and loved it but now I am growin it. BUT I AM NOT
CRACKING THESE BEANS UNTIL I have steady temps and humidity levels.

Thanks for all your help here on this forum! I have been reading for
a couple months. and now I want to take part in this for medical

I just want to apologize for the shitty cell phone pics.


Active Member
Hello guys! well today i noticed some bagseed of some mango haze cracked before i even ordered seeds from elite so i decided to put it in some rockwool. soaked in PH corrected water and because my harness for my lights suck I actually just put books in the box since its little cube right now. I also added a big fan as you can see.
