local LEO walking around my yard


Well-Known Member
Be sure to follow the not-so-fine print

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When my father was in Vietnam apparently Claymores had a sticker instead of the raised lettering...he said the VC figured out they could slowly crawl up on them and put the sticker on the wrong side...hence the raised lettering i guess..."oh this path is fine, the stickers are right there, says the 1st LT. on day 1 of patrol"

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
When my father was in Vietnam apparently Claymores had a sticker instead of the raised lettering...he said the VC figured out they could slowly crawl up on them and put the sticker on the wrong side...hence the raised lettering i guess..."oh this path is fine, the stickers are right there, says the 1st LT. on day 1 of patrol"
Mother fucking officers.. Don't get me started. I only got hit because our dumbass PL had us in a staggered column formation in a wide open field. We kept saying "Hey, sir.. Wedge, how 'bout it..?"


Well-Known Member

Why in the hell did you call the police station?

There is no situation that calling the cops will make better.

Do what your gut tells you. Mine has never lied to me.

A couple of months back half the sheriffs department was within a couple hundred feet of my grow exhaust.

Yea, I was a little noid about it but I still walked outside and asked them if they could park somewhere else, I didn't want my driveway blocked.


Well-Known Member

Why in the hell did you call the police station?

There is no situation that calling the cops will make better.

Do what your gut tells you. Mine has never lied to me.

A couple of months back half the sheriffs department was within a couple hundred feet of my grow exhaust.

Yea, I was a little noid about it but I still walked outside and asked them if they could park somewhere else, I didn't want my driveway blocked.
Had swat roll up on my house a few weeks ago, goon dressed cops standin in my yard with machine guns. They knocked on the front door and I answered in my boxers, cop on the porch says step out, I did they asked if so and so was here? I said no one here by that name. They asked the house number, this is xxx north xxx and I said this is xxx south they said, oh, sorry to have bothered you and left