Libya: No Fly Zone is a Go! International Effort and No Troops on the Ground


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Libyan rebels in Benghazi celebrate UN's historic no-fly zone vote

Residents of Libya's de facto rebel capital of Benghazi joined in a massive street party after the United Nations Security Council approved 'all necessary measures' to protect Libyans from Col. Muammar Qaddafi's forces.

By Dan Murphy, Staff writer / March 17, 2011
Benghazi, Libya Shortly before midnight, the streets of Libya's de facto rebel capital, Benghazi, were quiet, nearly deserted.
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A few minutes after midnight, tracer bullets and celebratory machine-gun fire were racing into the air from every direction and residents piled into their cars for a massive street party.
In between, the United Nations Security Council voted by 10-0 to not only impose a no-fly zone over eastern Libya but to allow for “all necessary measures” short of an occupation to protect the country’s civilians from Col. Muammar Qaddafi, the dictator who’s ruled Libya for nearly 42 years.
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It had been a grim week for a revolution that began as a peaceful uprising against a despot on Feb. 17, with this city and many others wrested from Mr. Qaddafi’s grasp by young people armed with little more than stones and a fierce will for change.
But Qaddafi, describing his people as rats, cockroaches and terrorists, fought back fiercely. First he flattened large portions of the cities that defied him in Libya's west. Then he turned his sights on the "liberated" east by overwhelming the rag-tag rebels with the same brutal tactics.
As he encircled Ajdabiya in recent days -- the next major town west of here -- directing tank fire and rockets on civilian homes and militia positions alike, the certainty in Benghazi that they would prevail began to be replaced by doubt and fear.
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An early insistence that Libyans would finish their revolution without foreign intervention, much as neighboring Egypt and Tunisia had, changed into a desire for a internationally enforced no-fly zone. And in recent days, more and more of the uprising’s supporters have said they’d be happy for foreign air power to be directed on Qaddafi’s forces on the ground.
That’s what they got today, though when foreign action could start and whether Qaddafi will test international remain unclear.
It feels good but what will be the outcome I don't know.


Well-Known Member
i wonder how this will play out.. i think its too late for ghadaffie to go to his long time friends hugo chaves native country...


Well-Known Member
Guy is a player I am sure.. An Addict is number two on my list.

So where does he stand after his Club Arab League Gold card has been cancelled?

Good question.. The U.N. and the Arab League are all onboard so this isn't a USA against Libya thing exactly.

In this case I all for a good ass kicking on Ka-Daffy.. The Max HeadRoom of the Arab League..

Has everyone seen Zanga Zanga?

This is an Israeli video..


Well-Known Member
Gaddaffi had better step it up if he wants to maintain control I would say carpet bombs and incindary bombs and napalm and flame throwers would be the way to go for him


Well-Known Member
Well, here we go again.

It may not be WWIII (but then again, who knows?) but get ready for a third war. Just like Saddam, Gadhafi has got to go, but just like Iraq (or Afghanistan), a year from now we will be asking, "what does success look like?"


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Libya 'to halt military action'

Libya's government is declaring an immediate ceasefire "to protect civilians" in acordance with the UN Security Council resolution, Libya's foreign minister says.
The UN resolution, passed late on Thursday, backed "all necessary measures" to protect civilians, short of an occupation.

hmm Gaddafi clearly doesnt want to be invaded although i doubt very much he'll step down


Well-Known Member
I don't think Gadhafi or his sons want to die. When faced with the inevitable (which he may be now, finally), I think he'll do something like negotiate for some time, promise free and fair elections etc. In return he'll want concessions like freeing up assets. He'll try to get as much as he can moved to a safe place, then go see Hugo. Calls for trials in the Hague will derail that.


Well-Known Member
Our president is a moron. This should have been done weeks ago. He is without doubt the worst president in U.S. history. I'd rather see Bill or Hillary as pres than this empty suit who hates America.


Well-Known Member
This is about 12 days too late.

The opposition has been greatly weakened, with the regime taking back most of the territory the opposition had gained.


Well-Known Member
Our president is a moron. This should have been done weeks ago. He is without doubt the worst president in U.S. history. I'd rather see Bill or Hillary as pres than this empty suit who hates America.
This was not for America to do alone. As far as the right is concerned, it is a no-win for Obama, nothing new there. If he had taken any action whatsoever unilaterally, or even in concert with allies but without UN approval, they would be saying, "there he goes again, blah blah blah". So we waited for the world to agree on action. Of course conservatives are going to say he should have acted sooner. Pathetic bs.

Hey, I am no fan of any of them frankly. Yeah, I voted for Obama. I still think it was the better choice. I'm still only about 40% happy with his presidency so far. But these attacks just for the sake of attack is total bs, and much of what is wrong with America. You will never admit it, but if Obama had acted sooner you would have been lambasting him for it.


Well-Known Member
all i know is we americans just absolutely love blowing the hell out of random things...especially when they are packed with angry brown peoples and we have permission to do so.
...fighting 2 wars, a fleet of warships off japan, and itchy to do....something...we trigger happy.

No need attracting undue attentions. No sir. I'll just flatten a few minor settlements no one will notice...uh...hmmm...wait...what do you mean, no fly zone? how?