Let's get some true medical discussion going!


Well-Known Member
I would have to say 99% of the ppl I see and help with the Phoenix Tears would only get temporary relief from smoking MMJ . But when produced into this oil it has cure more then 80% the others had injuries that the oil couldnt fix but could relieve the pain . PPL we all know that smoking MMJ is the least productive way to use it . Now before you start to bash me , I smoke and have been an avid smoker for years . Hell I still smoke . Its just this discussion is about Medical use off MMJ not just personal use . Lets face it the biggest obstacle we're facing as a whole is ppl dont want their kids smoking weed . So if we convince them thats theres more to this plant then smoking it . We stand a better chance of getting it passed into law . How many people here realize that we can fual our cars , make our clothing , make our paper produces , light our homes and bring this country out of debt just by legalizing this simple plant .
I have personally seem this Oil bring cancer patients back out their death beds , cure Lung Cancer ( small cell and non small cell ), breast cancer ,Hep-C , ADD , ADHD and the list just keeps getting longer. I see alot of people on here talking about how a good bowl of indica gets them going . Well the oil will do the same thing for you and actually start to heal you not just mask the pain for awhile . I'm no Doctor , but I believe what I see and have seen .
I speak of this Oil so highly because it cured my lung cancer and Hep-C . After the doctors refused to treat me because of my hep-c . A friend referred me to Rick Simpson and I listened to what he had to say . I made the oil and followed his instructions on dosage . Now all test are neg for hep-c and cancer . My liver is on its way to being healed from the damage done by the hep-c . I'm not saying quit smoking fuck that . I just saying if you want it passed into law , then show the benefits of the plant as a cure , as a alt fuel and an alt form of pain relief other then the poisons the pharmaceuticals are trying to kill us with .


Active Member
I am 100% new to this site. And frankly now so glad I found it. When I was 13 I was told I had scoliosis of the spine. By 14 I was undergoing a new type of spinal fusion were bone graffs were taken from my hip and along with 2 metal rods my spine was fused from the upper middle Thorasic to just above the lumbar area. As I kept growing into my late teens my Lumbar spine tring to compensate for the thorasic began to curve as well. At this point I am 33 I have almost the A typical classic S curve in my spine and because of how bad it is I have a large build up of scar tissue. The treament for this is are staroid injection into the back and massive amounts of pain killers ranging from Hydrocodone and flexril to Percocet and Oxycotin. The pain killers make me vilonetly ill and will knock me out leaving me with atleast a day to recover from the illness of taking these meds.

At 16 I started smoking pot. At first it was a joint here or there at a party or with friends. After about a year I started to test myself and my reactions to not taking the meds my Dr had given me and replacing it with the use of Marijuana. I fond I didnt need these drug that made me so sick I couldnt funtion that all I needed to live my life pain free was between 1/8-1/4 oz a week. I have been smokeing everyday from that point on and have been able to live a productive life enjoy my kids and my wife. Latley I have been getting to the point in my life were the jobs I am being offered and seeking are drug free and demand testing both pre employment and sometimes random. I have tried for the life of me to stop smoking and give these drug my Dr has given a try and yet again they fail.

My state is so close to passing Medical Marijiuana laws I pray everyday i wake up in so much pain I can hardly get out of bed that today is the day. All I wana do is live without fear of being arrested and jailed. I see time and agin people become addicts to the meds I am given by my Dr I see them destroy lives jobs homes everything but this what my state and government seems to want. Something has to give as moving out of my state is not a choice I have right now. My only saving grace is my state had Decriminalized having it tosome level so I findmyself tiptoeing the line of a 100$ fine or a misdemeanor.

Al I wana do is stop the pain. I dont wana get baked and party I dont wana get stoned and watch a movie or play vidoe games. I wana get out of bed in less then 15mins I wana walk around my home the first 2 hours after I get up i the morning and not have to fear of a pain spike so intence that if I am not near a wall I am on the floor.

New Grower 420

Active Member
in my state its not aloud but i do use it for my sleep problems i dont wana get addicted to sleep medication i also use it for my bowl problems