LED grow


Active Member
Hello again. Just took some pictures of the ladies. Today is day 26 into flowering - 12/12 light. By my own judgement there's a fair amount of growth, both leaves and bud. Plants look healthy, and I think patience is key. I expect to have at least another month before harvest, maybe more for one plant that appears to be a predominantly sativa strain.
Clones as well as seedlings are also fine, although I lost two clones - I think they drowned.
I might mix up some sugar and yeast, to give them a little boost of CO2 this week, other than that things are taking care of themselves for the most part.
Clearly this will not be a record-breaking grow, but I think it proves that LED light is viable for veg as well as flower, and I plan on being a bit more scientific in my choice of dirt, nutrients and such - not to mention genetics, for my next grow. I might also forgo soil completely, and shoot for a bubbleponics system. That depends on how the clones that are currently in there do. So far they're not doing a lot, which may very well have to do with the fact that they're already flowering also - and under 12/12 light.
Not ideal, but I do not have any room available, so I'll have to let nature take it's course.
Here are todays pictures.



Active Member
nug closeup.jpg


bath closeup.jpgSo I just passed one month flowering yesterday. I think in an attempt to not over-water I under-watered. Especially some of my seedling looked sad, and some of the lower leaves had yellowed. Oh well. I fed everybody, and gave them a good soaking, and this morning everybody looked a bit more happy.
It appears that the plants in flower have stopped growing and now are mostly putting on bud. Another month?
- oh, is RIU acting up again - I don't seem to be able to post pictures.


Active Member
December 12 update. Flowering since November 3 - 39 days flowering! I haven't had time to fuzz over my grow-room much lately, as I have been too busy with work. Need to start training the babies to grow more horizontally, that are under 24/0 light, and get them ready for flowering. I will start flowering them, as soon as I harvest the mature plants, since I have very limited space.
To my eye it appears that all my trichomes are still clear, as well as new ones are emerging - so harvest is still maybe as much as a month away. The buds are really forming though - getting nice and dense and stinky!
The whole idea behind this grow was to see if LED light is viable for a small closet set-up, and I think the answer is yes. I'd like to see small HID grows for comparison - not for competition - but most grows I find seem larger than my 2X3 foot space.
I'd also like to see other small LED grows, as well as comments and suggestions - and especially harvest pictures!
Until then all I can do is sit back and let the ladies do their thing! Here are todays pictures.



Active Member
Hey High
What temp did you have the room at? I notice better results after bumping up the temp to 80degrees and when lights go out let temp drop to 69.
Looking good



Well-Known Member
Ah finally some other LED users :) Iam using 2x 90watt ufo's with 2x 80 red and 2x 10 blue leds, its only a small cupboard grow so i have a UFO over each plant, I also added a blue 6500k 150w ENVIROLITE in the middle of the two UFO's, for vegging, when i flower I will simply change the blue 150w ENVIROLITE for a red 150/250w ENVIROLITE depending on the heat of the cupboard, at the mo it sits comfortable between 22 and 26 degrees C, I am using a DWC setup, accompanied with CANNA nuits... 'COMPLETE HYDRO RANGE' with CHA CHING for extra flower power! ihave a 4" CPU fan ducted to an airtight boarded up chimney in my room to draw in fresh clean air I have a BUNJEE mounted top extraction setup (no vibrating) A SMALL CAN filter with perferated ducting (noise reducing) attached to a 4" IN-LINE FAN, some more perferated ducting going to a 4" round hole in the top of the cupboard where another SMALL CAN is visable from the outside at the top. Its completly covered in Mylar as this is most reflective, i have 2x FLURO. TUBES 1 either side to assist in side lighting, (flowering only) and have added a C02 Small gas bottle on ultre slow release since to get a timer sorted its an UNHOLY ammount of Doller, plants can only use C02 when the lights are on but the build up @ night when the fans switch off is great for the plants 'breakfast hit', and replacement bottles are only 20 quid so its easy to pick up a spare when needed :) when i get my card reader ill post pics be good to see whats acheivable keep it up tlk soon :)


Active Member
Hi KenWood
My temps vary some depending on how I run my fans, and as we have entered the cool season where I live, I turn off fans at night - trying to maintain mid 80's during the day and 70's at night.


Active Member
I'm having some difficulties with RIU - so I'm going to try this again. Today is day 49 of flowering - 7 weeks to be exact.
From what I read, LED takes longer to flower than say HID. That might be the case, but I seem to have good development with my micro-set-up.
Every week or two, I flush the plants, something they seem to like, and I have decent bud-growth with pistils still forming, and trichomes being clear.

The fan leaves are wilting, and I pull them off when they have lost most of the chlorophyll. It looks as if I will have almost only bud, by the time we hit harvest time.

I kept thinking Christmas would be the time, but I still have time left. Probably a few weeks, or more.
Here are today's pictures.



Active Member
as of today i have exactly two months of flowering! the other day i bought some liquid fertilizer for flowering 0-10-10, as well as flushed the plants. i'm surprised as to which extent the buds are growing. they must be twice the size they were two weeks ago. this is about at or past my expectations!
in one picture you can see a seedling coming up. they were experiments for a bubbleponic set-up i attempted, and a couple of those plants are taking off - especially one close to the led-lights. as for the bubbleponics set-up, the jury is out. it's working great - and my own version with the bubbles lifting the water, thus eliminating the water-pump, is problem-free. so far.

i have also eliminated some of the nuisance with 60hz hum from the air-pumps, by suspending them and moving them away from resonating material. i no longer can hear it myself in the house - and it is very quiet where i live.
you can hear a fish fart in a fish-tank here.

naah - that's over-doing it, but almost.
this thread is about growing with led light - and i conclude that it works, as long as the led light has a certain output.
to think that you can grow anything on some dim lousy leds doesn't make sense.

i use the ufo led - and i do not sell or in any way promote it, besides my own experience with it, which i promote - because i'm happy with it.

i had never tried it - until now - and i'm happy. below are the pictures from today

comments and ideas are always welcome



Active Member
9 weeks of flowering, 01.10.10. Gave the plants a Sunday bath (flush) and took a few pictures. I am expecting to see the trichomes changing to cloudy and eventually amber, but so far I can only see clear. The buds are also growing still, with plenty of new pistils, making me think that I'm not as close to harvest as I thought.
Well, what's the rush.



Well-Known Member

19 days

High, do yourself a favor and pick up some mylar. You will be glad you did, with LED light I am finding that they need to be close to the plants to keep them from stretching but you need to find the sweet spot for your light and what works best for you

I am also using a LED light for grow, it is a 180w jumbo UFO and I am on my second grow. Pretty happy with the results so far

Good luck with your grow


Active Member
Hi TCurtiss thanks for your reply. I will follow your mylar advice. I'm getting close to harvest and to re-arrange my space. That'll be a good time to do it.


Active Member
Yesterday I decided it had come time to harvest. 11 weeks of flowering. I was noticing a change in smell, maybe more than the change in the appearance of the trichomes.

Besides I needed to make room for new plants. As you can see, I did not set any new records, but what I got has nice flavor and decent potency, whithout knocking you to the ground.
I'll try to stay out of it, until it's properly cured - and get back with a total weight in a couple weeks.



no you wont.... but judging by the insulation comparable to the buds... i'm going with a half?