Lady Cane, Sannie's Jack and Herijuana 2011


Well-Known Member
LC #2 V 11-9.jpgLC #2 IV 11-9.jpgLC #2 III 11-9.jpgLC #2 II 11-9.jpgLC #2 VII 11-9.jpg
Well, F*&^ me to tears :finger: RIU I have posted this twice now and it keeps deleting and rearranging the pics and refuses to load from photobucket, WTF?
The above if it keeps the pics there are of LadyCane #2 the 3rd pheno and quickly becoming my favorite just for looks. #1 is the biggest, Lady Cane the prettiest in the first stage of flowering and then about week 8 #2 really shows her genetics. The rate of bud growth is amazing right now, she keeps putting on weight and getting more color to her. I probably stretched out all of their flower times with my nute feeding but whatever it takes to keep them healthy throughout their cycle.
Jack y Heri I 11-9.jpg Jack y Heri II 11-9.jpg LC grp 11-9 II.jpg
LC grp 11-9 I.jpgHeri I 11-9.jpg

The above pics above are of Lady Cane Clones mostly #1s which I grow for a couple of cancer patients. I have lots more than I need in the current cycle but I am ready for a vacation in January and figure I will get ahead a bit so I can relax a couple of months and take a break.
The 3 in the 5 gallons buckets and the 2 in 3 gallon container is Sannie Jack and Herijuana. Not much to say about these right now, they are 7 weeks old from seed and finally hitting their stride. The weather hasn't been real good here for fast growth lately but one of the Heris grew 2 inches in 24 hours:eyesmoke:. I don't think I measured wrong yesterday morning or this morning but I might have, lol. They will go out to flower area sometime this week. They are at between 14 and 16 this morning and I will set them out at 20 inches whenever that might be.

If ya'll want to look at the Lady Canes in full view I am enclosing a link to photobucket where you can view them. I want to thank everyone for all the views this journal has received. Please feel free to comment, post, show me your pics of Heri, Sannie Jack or Lady Canes, for that matter any of Sannie's genetics. Lady Canes/
Happy Growing to all


Active Member
Damn that those Lady Canes look amazing!! Loving the altitude. Is that an Avocado in that one pic? What's that other fruity lookin' tree?

Oh yeah, the photobucket link was a scenic detour.


Well-Known Member
Well after taking a year off from here guess it is time to get back into things again. I just have 3 females going now and a runt I don't count, she got snapped in half and was put to the side and forgotten about. I am growing out some of my Lady Cane F2 this time around, wow 4 females total and 4 phenos..... I am not sure until they bud out at this point whether I got my favorite bud yet they are just being put to flower this week.
Here is the set up this time around:
Soil - is nativa volcanic clay, new compost, new (1 yr dried) horse manure and used soil from 2 years ago and wheat husks. I haven't added any to the mix this year just what is left from the last grow. My rule of thumb is that I add when I feel like or get in the mood, lets just say when the old isn't looking so good in there. The used soil get dumped into a pile mixed with the oldest compost I have, usually about 2 or 3 years old depending on what I go through with the other plants. My charcoal still looked like about the right mix, plenty of worms.
The horse manure is about a double handful which has been broken up and basically shredded well mixed into the soil. Note to self: don't leave clumps.
They were first put in soil that was the soil from my last grow, I keep 2, 5 gallon containers that I use for all my seedling before it goes into the pile. And no I have never ever had a problem with bugs or other bad things from this method. Anyway, soil cup and then stepped up 3 times coming to rest in 5 gallon containers.
They received their only suppliment this past week, a small does of manure tea. Such an easy plant to grow when the soil is right, I thinkwithout rereading my own thread this is my 4th grow from seed. So far my best grow of the Lady.
The weather has been very very cold and wet this year, nightime running low 50's and the highs in upper 60's to very low 70's. We have had maybe 5 days in this cycle that were 75 to 77. Lots of wind.
LCIII.jpgLady Canes 2013.jpg
I will add a few more later I am tired of fighting the photos right now.


Well-Known Member
Lady Cane I 2013.jpgLady Cane II 2013.jpg

Sorry I forgot to rotate the pic before I uploaded it, just need my camera back instead of this stupid phone.
Thanks to all that look, all comments and advice are welcome.


Well-Known Member
Wow did I screw up, going into flower now and I gave them another sip of tea, oops. Just had to flush, they started to claw and show signs of N toxicity. Two days after flush and I am about back to normal again, too much TLC I guess. Anyway they should be fine with the next watering. Took 2 clones of the sativa dom pheno on Sunday, they still look freshly cuts and reaching for the light.
Colombian Gold x Lambsbread
Well I have 3 out of the 5 up above ground, yea. One didn't make it out of germ and the last one is the smallest sprout that I put into soil, hoping she peeks out today. I will post their baby pics when they are all up and looking around.