Lace and Frills <3

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I just wanted a chat while I roll at my computer (can't smoke at the computer) I guess I should be careful. I made a public chat where I have to accept people viewing/posting but I hardly ever use Skype so I'm not entirely familiar with how it (and possibly my webcam) could be exploited. Thankyou for the word of caution x
Exploiting webcams is pretty fun actually. :lol: Never done it but read up on it after reading about how a Kansas High School principle issued free laptops with built in webcams and had hardware implemented so he could turn the webcams on at his discretion to spy on the girls getting undressed. :lol: As long as your computer has and open connection going with anothers webcam you can send a virus to the others computer to have full control over the webcam. ;)


Active Member
I'm a man for starters who doesn't chase around the only females on a site constantly badmouthing them, with of course the exception of april. I was raised differently than that. If your a man be a fucking man and send em a message tell them your deal and when you see a thread of that persons stay the fuck away, don't try being mr internet tough guy following them around lol. Just shows very childish bully behavior

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I'm a man for starters who doesn't chase around the only females on a site constantly badmouthing them, with of course the exception of april. I was raised differently than that. If your a man be a fucking man and send em a message tell them your deal and when you see a thread of that persons stay the fuck away, don't try being mr internet tough guy following them around lol. Just shows very childish bully behavior
And you're just showing incredibly lacking comprehension skills. BTW Are you sure you're a man? Have you double checked?


Well-Known Member
Exploiting webcams is pretty fun actually. :lol: Never done it but read up on it after reading about how a Kansas High School principle issued free laptops with built in webcams and had hardware implemented so he could turn the webcams on at his discretion to spy on the girls getting undressed. :lol: As long as your computer has and open connection going with anothers webcam you can send a virus to the others computer to have full control over the webcam. ;)
Actually, my brother did tell me at school today one of the computers suddenly turned on and the webcam was filming. He said a member of staff saw but just ignored it. I think I need to call the school.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Actually, my brother did tell me at school today one of the computers suddenly turned on and the webcam was filming. He said a member of staff saw but just ignored it. I think I need to call the school.
sucks if he was playin some pocket pool i guess lol

i hate technology...its so invasive...when a person invades your space you can remove him physicly, but with computers some 100 lb nerd is reeking havoc lol


Well-Known Member
Exploiting webcams is pretty fun actually. :lol: Never done it but read up on it after reading about how a Kansas High School principle issued free laptops with built in webcams and had hardware implemented so he could turn the webcams on at his discretion to spy on the girls getting undressed. :lol: As long as your computer has and open connection going with anothers webcam you can send a virus to the others computer to have full control over the webcam. ;)
Same shit happened around me lol but these dickheads tried to say they observed the kids doing drugs on them so when they went to school and they tried to discipline they got sued lol.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Keeping sand paintings ... allowed? cn
Traditional sandpaintings are taboo. They have to be erased as soon as the healing ceremony is brought to a close. Commercial sandpaintings are completely different. Most commercial sandpaintings are landscapes or depictions of people and animals. Some will mimic the ritual healing paintings but with key components removed or altered. The only "people" that make permanent healing sandpaintings are Skinwalkers. Only they make them backwards to reverse the flow of balance and harmony and to bring harm.


Pickle Queen
