Kushcrossers rez-effect


Well-Known Member
I didn't realize that about the oyster shells, I've never heard of that. Its not that the wbs isn't simple, but the prep time is kinda long with the having to wait for it to dry thing. I don't know I'm just sitting here bored and anxious at the moment, lol!

Also when do you put your 2 tbsp of verm in the jar before the wbs, or after. I just went to pick up my gf from work, and wen I get back I'm gonna jar the seed up.


Well-Known Member
I do it 1 jar at a time...take a jar and fill it 3/4 full of wbs.(just for measurement)..now get you a bowl and dump the wbs in it and mix the verm in the bowl...now just put back in the jar...repeat till all your jars are done.


Well-Known Member
here is what they look like tonight..no pins yet, but hyphal knots forming everywhere! Thats what you see before pins. There should be pins tomorrow night for sure.



Well-Known Member
Well...I have pins!! They are just startin to form, so they are tiny..every little white dot you see is a pin..there is probably going to be a couple hundred!! 24hrs from now I will post some pics and you will shit!



Well-Known Member
HA, I'm so excited right now! Watching these has me so pumped for mine! I can't wait to see these tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
this looks interesting, how much dose a setup like this cost/how long dose it take total/ how many grams is a dosage?


Well-Known Member
I would say about $150-$200....PC,jars,wbs,verm,light,perlite,and spores. The process takes 1 month, and for dose amount..about 2g for some1 weighing under 200lbs...basicly 1g per hundred lbs.....but you do build up a tolerance..just like anything else. So the more you take em..the more you will have to eat.

BTW ppl...the cake has pins too!! will post pics tonight at midnight...