Just posting up some pictures. Take a look?


Well-Known Member
Hey, ILK17, would it be possible to get a little more info about your grow... like soil blend, lights, nutrients, pH, lighting time. All this info with your how's this look? will help in getting you a definitive answer. To me they look a tad bit streatched. Depending on the type of lights you are using could determine the distance you need to keep them at. Color wise they look good. Is it an indica? sativa? or a mix/hybrid, will also make a determination as to the stretching. Sativas will grow like what your plant is looking, indicas, tend to have shorter distances between internodes. So help us help you. Put a ton of info in your request, and we can get you a good answer, you can trust. Blaze on


Well-Known Member
Well, as much as I would have liked to have heard "good work" thanks for being honest.

Ironically, I taped aluminum foild all around the walls and floor of the shelf before even reading this. As for the light, I have 2 48" tube plant lights. Very bright. I moved them a bit closer. For a couple of days now I've planned on picking up another plant light from wal mart. (A 24") I have to have a different section for the vegging plants I'll be planting here within the week due to this plant being in the flowering stage before the others will be. Until I plant the others, I'll use both lights on this one plant.:blsmoke:
With Flouros you want the light about 2 inches from the top, I made the mistake of putting em up like 3 feet for the first month and mine looked like yours. about a week after I moved it down it started goin NUTS!!!:weed: Been about a month or so since then and shes(I hope it's a she) is lookin good, just turned back the lights 2 days ago. I have the plant & aquarium bulbs in now cost me about 7.50 a piece, waitin on my HIDs to get here!!!!

Here is a pic for ya, just took it the other day



Well-Known Member
Hey, ILK17, would it be possible to get a little more info about your grow... like soil blend, lights, nutrients, pH, lighting time. All this info with your how's this look? will help in getting you a definitive answer. To me they look a tad bit streatched. Depending on the type of lights you are using could determine the distance you need to keep them at. Color wise they look good. Is it an indica? sativa? or a mix/hybrid, will also make a determination as to the stretching. Sativas will grow like what your plant is looking, indicas, tend to have shorter distances between internodes. So help us help you. Put a ton of info in your request, and we can get you a good answer, you can trust. Blaze on

I'm using two 48" tube plant lights.

I have a small fan.

The pot is a one gallon.

I transplanted only yesterday - Plant was root bound.

I water every 2 days or so. (When the top is dry.)

I use diluted 30-30-30. (About 1/4 the recommended dose.

I have foil around the plant to reflect light.

The plant is just over one month.

I water with distilled water mixed with small amounts of the nutes. (Just until I get the nutes that I want.)

The ph of the distilled water is about 6.8 but the acid plant food most likely drops it a slight bit.

I only have a liquid ph meter so I don't know about the soil. I use an average potting soil.

I've posted some pics. If there's anything else you need to know, just let me know.



New Member
I transplanted only yesterday - Plant was root bound.

ilovekasey17 said:
I can tell you what the problem was with my plant, btw. I transplanted it late. When I transplanted, you could see what seemed to be miles of roots wrapped around and around the cup. The plant didn't even grow for a full week. However, after transplanting yesterday, I've already noticed some good changes. I know, it was a dumb mistake, but it's my first time even making it this far.
sounds like root bound to me bro


Well-Known Member
Now that's what im talkin about ILK17, Seems your issue is solved for now. How long you gonna veg this little beauty? Let me recommend this one little thing. If you could supplement those floro tubes with some coil CFL's you'll be doin some justice. They can be obtained from HomeDepot for cheap, and vastly improve your results. I used them for veggin my babies. I started out with the same 4' floros. Added the cfl and almost couldn't keep up with them. Had to start LSTing, and supercropping because of the increase in growth. Luck again man. yer doin well. Oh almost forgot, while at Home depot, check out the sporting goods section for the Mylar space blankets for about 1.95 each. Large, and can be trimmed easily with sissors. Super reflective. :)
