Jury Duty...


Well-Known Member
i've been a registered voter for 12 years and i've never been called for jury duty. i have a friend my age who got called 3 times already. i wouldn't even try to get out of it. i'm curious about what it's like to go through the process. i look at it as time off of work. plus all those sweet dolla dolla bills when i get compensated.
Catch a case......That will cure your curiosity real fast.My divorce was enough for me,That bitch put a liz pending on all my bank accounts,my building account.,and my A/C bus,account.And I had just settled a law suit for 100k,that I put in CDs 20k x 5 for my hand I cut all the tendons,and my fingers just bent over!!!It said on the claim for futures...surgeries and pain and suffering.They were all in my name,BUT the damn judge said I comengeled it and she was entitled to half,I damn near got a contempt charge for yelling at him!!How was it they were all in my name!!Still pissed about that cost me big.
We had only been married 2yrs and I had to write her a check for over 100k.GRR


Well-Known Member
They go by the number of registered voters in my county here in TX,Thats why I get called almost every 2 yrs.Dunno about other states.