Jury Duty...


Well-Known Member
Ugh, so it's been about 6 years since I last got called and had to serve. Got summoned again.. asked for 3 mo extension.. never heard back..
I honestly dont mind serving... it's then process of B.S that you must undergo for the selecting and registering.. really it takes 2 hours to get crap started..??
Gov workers.. meh

Last year we did get to watch a video (vhs not dvd.. ) it was from the early 80's about your role as a Juror.. Highly recommend this video if you have nothing else better to do and your trapped inside a room and have never seen anything else on tv before and you cant get cell reception or sleep....

No way I can sit still for more then about 1 hour without being in pain so if they actually make me serve.. look forward to some nice canna peanut butter pictures of me outside the court house..... (I knew the D.A and use to work with his wife so.. God willing that alone gets me excused..)

last one I served on was a assault case.. took 4 days to hear the info and about 2 hours to rule against..

wonder if I can learn how to become a hostile juror before I go?


Well-Known Member
Could just make up some story after you see the case say you knew the guy way back or something and you would be excused if im correct never had to get out of it.


Well-Known Member
If you work bring employment proof and how in all reality, hard it is to make a stable living and need to work on the days called for jury

If you are a student discuss with the judge excused duty

should you be moar sick in the head than the rest of us, get your psych's or doc's letter excusing you saying its upsetting you or you would go ape shit in the court room over our "justice" system

drink tons and then show up for the summoning, proceed to puke all over things and asked to be excused


Well-Known Member
Make sure the defense lawyer knows you used to work with the D.A.'s wife. I want to see court house peanut butter pics though!


Well-Known Member
I got called once about 8 years ago. Criminal case, guy robbed a store then led the police on a wild foot-chase. Ended when he tried using a woman as a human shield and the cops shot them both. :shock:

I didn't even get picked. Wasted 4 hours of my life.


Well-Known Member
gonna claim 100% lack of faith in our judicial system (even site Attorney General Eric Holder lack of faith)

ask why should I waste my time if the feds will just open their own investigation..

(29 sec+)



Well-Known Member
I just had jury duty 2 weeks ago..............got picked for a DUI trial.....lasted 2 days+1 for deliberations........might I suggest "12 Angry Men"..[video=youtube;s0NlNOI5LG0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0NlNOI5LG0&feature=player_detailpage[/video]


Active Member
I got called and it took me hrs before i even got to use an excuse but once i got questioned by both sides and me saying i dont trust police they sent me on my way lol


Well-Known Member
I got called and it took me hrs before i even got to use an excuse but once i got questioned by both sides and me saying i dont trust police they sent me on my way lol
If it was that easy they would never seat a jury.......In Cali they would just send you back to the jury room to way for another trial....a civil trial without police......they can last for weeks.....lol!


Well-Known Member
I would imagine that with a med card for pain, you have an excuse to be permanately removed. Explain that you cannot sit for more than an hour without your meds, and especially in a wooden chair. Mumble something about suing the state for permanent injury/disability.


Well-Known Member
I would imagine that with a med card for pain, you have an excuse to be permanately removed. Explain that you cannot sit for more than an hour without your meds, and especially in a wooden chair. Mumble something about suing the state for permanent injury/disability.
Good luck with that!.....It all depends on the Presiding Judge, some hard ass judges would drag your dr's ass into court to testify under oath. And the jury I was just on one woman said se couldn't sit for too long, the judge moved her to the back row & told her to stand at any time she needs too......


Well-Known Member
I would imagine that with a med card for pain, you have an excuse to be permanately removed. Explain that you cannot sit for more than an hour without your meds, and especially in a wooden chair. Mumble something about suing the state for permanent injury/disability.
I would think you telling them you would have to be on your Medical M/J to sit that long,Would be enough!
Ive got to go on the 29th myself.


Well-Known Member
Shiiiit, JJ, I would take that as a challenge. I'd be up and down every few minutes, knocking things over, grunting loudly as I get up and down, maybe stumble a few times, go down, yell in pain, hell, I'd be the show, until that POS judge came to their senses or one of the attorneys couldn't take the distractions and got furious.


Well-Known Member
You should look up "contempt of court"........many judges are tired of people fucking with the system & would love nothing better than to make an example out of you. This is their house!.....Their game!.....you'll lose.....


Well-Known Member
No, I'll go to the media and sue. I told that powertripping jackass that I had a medical condition. Forcing me to be in pain should land that fucking asshole a charge of battery! I won't stop until there is some type of reprimand or disbarment at the State Bar.

Reminds me of a time I was at Home Depot trying to negotiate my cart around all of the GD sales displays and other shoppers. I clipped one of the sales displays, catching this base trim they had put on it and tearing it away from the display. As I was walking away, this stupid associate ran over and told me I had to stop and wait for a manager because I broke their display and had to pay for it. I was pissed and told him that was a good idea to get a manager because I hurt both of my wrists when I hit it. He was quick enough to figure it out and told me to carry on.

I hate powertripping judges. They have no business being in charge april and I would love to smack one down. The media usually eats that shit up. Bring it on Mr robe wearing powertripper. Bring it on...