Jorge Cervantes is a big fat idiot.


Well-Known Member
* The site admins stated that their URL had expired and they were in the process of renewing it... Which did nothing at all for the people who had paid and had their orders "Lost" or "Not Received."
This is the TRUTH. The first post was a lot of mis information. Notices how is was Summerized? I have the mag and a scanner if you want proof. HT is a money scam thogh


Well-Known Member
I don't read High Times.

I found Cervantes' Bible very useful and informative. He could use a good editor and I'm sure there are many minor details for the experts to disagree with, but overall I thought it was well worth $20. is back on line.

I wonder if "K.B." ever received his order.
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Well-Known Member
that was real cool of HT to post a little right up claiming marc emery of cannibis culture threatened his seed customers by telling them he has their name and address,to which marc emery replied in his mag that the new editor of ht wanted to change the culture of high times and get away from the dope issues and do more stories pertaining to nothing and polotics(to keep the law off,talk about takeing one for the team).Hightimes is a sham,and jorge doesnt grow he visits real growers who take the daily risks and takes pics of their stuff and their story,reading his grow bible left me with more questions then answers,and it is as confuseing as hell,but he recycles the same pics and same stories over and over,i even know of someone he visited on the island in canada and did the jorge flop routine playing god while they where his time he says a 1000,s the best,then he says 3 400,s are best then two 600,s,ive seen were he said hermies are good to make all female seeds,and then ive read were he says kill all hermies they destroy our future in growing,ive read enough contradictions from him to know either hes tottaly stoned,or he doesnt stop to think,in europe he tells people americans dont know how to grow that they still use those big inificient 1000,s then in america he says the opposite,but i guess ive read to much when you can remember that shit,yet i for get how old i am many times.


Well-Known Member
that was real cool of HT to post a little right up claiming marc emery of cannibis culture threatened his seed customers by telling them he has their name and address,to which marc emery replied in his mag that the new editor of ht wanted to change the culture of high times and get away from the dope issues and do more stories pertaining to nothing and polotics(to keep the law off,talk about takeing one for the team).Hightimes is a sham,and jorge doesnt grow he visits real growers who take the daily risks and takes pics of their stuff and their story,reading his grow bible left me with more questions then answers,and it is as confuseing as hell,but he recycles the same pics and same stories over and over,i even know of someone he visited on the island in canada and did the jorge flop routine playing god while they where his time he says a 1000,s the best,then he says 3 400,s are best then two 600,s,ive seen were he said hermies are good to make all female seeds,and then ive read were he says kill all hermies they destroy our future in growing,ive read enough contradictions from him to know either hes tottaly stoned,or he doesnt stop to think,in europe he tells people americans dont know how to grow that they still use those big inificient 1000,s then in america he says the opposite,but i guess ive read to much when you can remember that shit,yet i for get how old i am many times.

finally someone else who sees it. i have 5 years worth of HT. i could go thru them all and match up the same 12 questions and answers printed over and over again. it's almost like they print their mag for 1 time readers. i guess it only takes 1 time reading it to realize it's garbage. :twisted:


Well-Known Member
finally someone else who sees it. i have 5 years worth of HT. i could go thru them all and match up the same 12 questions and answers printed over and over again. it's almost like they print their mag for 1 time readers. i guess it only takes 1 time reading it to realize it's garbage. :twisted:
ya its true a buddy gave me all the ht issues from 2000,i read them all,i had such a passion to learn more about growing,all i could,then i realised i was no farther ahead,i knew most of that stuff from working for people,then last week i went through his Q&A,s again to find about breeding with hemie pollen from stressed plants,not one strait answer,but i realised all the questions were the same,their was over 20 about turning to 12/12 for flowering.and that ht was doing more stories about music,people and jamaica 10 times over and little about growing.i wouldnt buy it.and if you met jorge,you would know he doesnt have the balls to question someones balls like he did,hes a paranoid little say boo and he would be under the bed.


Well-Known Member
i know this is old but high times is not for growers to learn or care about. its just when im on the train i like seeing pretty pictures of buds. i then take a dump or two reading it. then its in the dump. its more like a newspaper, its just to entertain you for a train ride or two. cannabis culture i also buy. if your trying to learn way better, more information. last week was the 130 light grow op. beautiful stuff. high times is just glossier prettier pics. skunk magazine, i buy it frequently too. decent stuff. id rate it better than high times as well. but not as glossy look and not the same quality pics.


Well-Known Member
i know this is old but high times is not for growers to learn or care about. its just when im on the train i like seeing pretty pictures of buds. i then take a dump or two reading it. then its in the dump. its more like a newspaper, its just to entertain you for a train ride or two. cannabis culture i also buy. if your trying to learn way better, more information. last week was the 130 light grow op. beautiful stuff. high times is just glossier prettier pics. skunk magazine, i buy it frequently too. decent stuff. id rate it better than high times as well. but not as glossy look and not the same quality pics.

Well thats the thing people like him project they are to learn from and are part of HT. I already knew not to learn from HT, but a lot don't and take it word for word...


Well-Known Member
i know this is old but high times is not for growers to learn or care about. its just when im on the train i like seeing pretty pictures of buds. i then take a dump or two reading it. then its in the dump. its more like a newspaper, its just to entertain you for a train ride or two. cannabis culture i also buy. if your trying to learn way better, more information. last week was the 130 light grow op. beautiful stuff. high times is just glossier prettier pics. skunk magazine, i buy it frequently too. decent stuff. id rate it better than high times as well. but not as glossy look and not the same quality pics.
lol! I read it on the train too!


Active Member
Isn't he the guy who wrote the Something Something Grow Something Bible I have sitting on the back of my toilet? I've read it a few times and I find it confusing in some parts. Like it suggested to wait until your plant preflowers before moving from veg to flowering so you don't stress the plant and turn it hermie but then said the opposite somewhere else in the book. I was all WTH.

I don't read HT. My husband brought it home once and it's like Maxim for stoners and the pages fall out. Stupid pages.

I like CC mag. My husband was transferred to Vancouver for a while and the smoke lounge was great to hang out at. $5/hour for volcano rental. :)


Well-Known Member
Isn't he the guy who wrote the Something Something Grow Something Bible I have sitting on the back of my toilet? I've read it a few times and I find it confusing in some parts. Like it suggested to wait until your plant preflowers before moving from veg to flowering so you don't stress the plant and turn it hermie but then said the opposite somewhere else in the book. I was all WTH.

I don't read HT. My husband brought it home once and it's like Maxim for stoners and the pages fall out. Stupid pages.

I like CC mag. My husband was transferred to Vancouver for a while and the smoke lounge was great to hang out at. $5/hour for volcano rental. :)
He pretty much takes the information from his first writings and rehashes it in new books and videos,trust me i have seen and read his stuff.:twisted::blsmoke: