JonnyBtreeds White Demon Grow

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Well-Known Member
Well, This is a journal to show how far I've come along from a few months ago back in November when I first got into " INDOOR GROWING" and what a beautiful thing it has become for me. For those of you who don't know me. I'm an somewhat experienced soil grower who due to the lack of funds has decided to grow in the winter. And being the never happy with one way, a.d.d., o.c.d. type personality I have I was always on the lookout for some new way to grow in soil. Got bored with that - That's what I do at work as well. And taking it a step further decided to try my hand at hydro.

So this is what I'm working with:

A two room grow setup framed up in the basement dimensions -
4'x6' - Flowering and 6'x8' Vegging and Cloning

Vegging room:

350 Watts of Coiled Fluorescent Lighting Action - 3/4 6500 1/4 3200
A six planter bubbleponics setup from Stealth Hydro
4 pumps and 4 12" stones
An 18 site Mistic Cloner from Stealth Hydro
An Oscillating Fan set to LOW
A Digital PPM and pH meter
GH Flora Series Nutes
Neptune's Harvest for the organic soil
GH pH up and down
Hydrogen Peroxide
Frozen Water bottles for keeping the res temp down
Mylar Lined

Flowering Room:

One 1000 watt HPS with electronic ballast
A single GH Waterfarm Setup (two air pumps)
A Dayton 273 cfm Squirrel cage fan blowing into the veg room through diy carbon filter attachment. (going to vent out soon as possible)
Three fans blowing all over in there

And I'm sure there's more but that about does it for the details.

I always pH all water to 5.8 when I do anything in Hydro
I always pH all water to 6.0 when I do anything in Soil

If you guys didn't see my first journal, Out of 5 plants I ended up with just one female, which actually ended up being a Hermie. Uggh don't get me started. I actually grew a bunch more white demons over the last month and they ALL turned male as well. So I finally found a female, threw her in soil (which I know best) and started cloning the CRAP out of her. So every plant in every picture you see are all guarenteed females. So There!


That's it for now but here's a couple pics of what I got going on in each room.



Well-Known Member
I'll also add right now, anybody with any advice or friendly criticism is completely welcome to post, I'd love to hear what people think!


Well-Known Member
Thank you guys, I'll make sure to put up pics weekly of all my progress... This journals gonna be more like a photo album.


Well-Known Member
Things look real good.

Those girls in the flower room, how old are they? And how long have those plants been in flower? And is that a poinsettia?

Thanks for the journal. It will be fun to watch.


New Member
Lookin' Good Jonny! I clone too because I can't stand working with them and getting males. I'm going heppy as a sideline with some clones or possibly getting another strain to mix in. Think I have the process down but I like to experiment because I'm an idiot! LOL! I'll be following.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Hell yea back in business ...... thanks for letting us tag along on the grow always fun to watch them and see different nutes and techniques being used. did you say you have flowered since the hermies and every thing was ok ?? just was thinking maybe somethings off in the room to turn them just a thought. i will be watching man keep the pics coming. :bigjoint:

oh yea do you know how long does it take normally to get nugs/colas to start forming ??


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, always love a little support. Yeah, this one should be fun to watch. No more male induced disappointment. Oh and yes jig it is. It was looking a little unhappy upstairs (bit cold for them i suppose). Yeah Hulk, I havested the hermie ended up getting a little under a half lb. on that one plant harvested two weeks early. Man I am impressed with that 1000w. But Yeah I just kinda kept things going. Got a little busy so I didn't get to update or come on the forum to often but I'll be sure to keep up with this one.


Well-Known Member
wow, now that I'm working again time is just FLYING BY!!! anyways heres the pics, albeit late but still here as promised. hold on


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha I guess I did.... Here there are. Also added a couple pics of my chemical setup. I added a new item to the mix. Humbolt county GRAVITY. Its a flower hardener which is suppose to make buds HUGE and very dense. I've heard good and bad about it. It seems you have to be VERY, VERY, VERY careful with it. I got an 8 oz. bottle for 25$ and you only use 2.5 ml. per gallon in soil, or 1.5 for hydro. you put in in for three to four waterings or run it for only one week, 3 weeks before harvest. I also heard that just using the 2.5ml some people have had some serious overreactive problems to it, so I started using it today. 1.25 ml is what I used today. I'll see if I notice anything by tomorrow and if not I'll kick it up to 2.0 But your suppose to raise your HIDs a foot higher than normal and it can't be hotter than 75 degrees. or less humid than 20% or your burn everything and it will die. But if you saw some of the pics from the people who DO incorparate it, I would have to say it seems worth the risk. One pic was a 4.5 ounce cola. It was beautiful. Hope I'll have some of the same in a few weeks. Well Enjoy.



Well-Known Member
Oh and Guys, I FOUND THE BEST STUFF EVER!!!!!! its called Reverse by Dutch Masters and if you have a female and it starts to show male flowers you foliar spray it on them and it kills only the male flowers. you can even just spray the females anyways just to be positive none of them will be hermie. Bluey I know you had a close call but after last time I think its def. worth the 17$


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha I guess I did....
Haha, you stoner.

Thanks for the pics. Everything looks awesome.

If you do well with that gravity, I might try it out on my grow. I know I can read other people's experiences, but I love hearing things first hand, when they happen. So make Humboldt nute co proud and sell some bottles.

But seriously, keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
Oh and Guys, I FOUND THE BEST STUFF EVER!!!!!! its called Reverse by Dutch Masters and if you have a female and it starts to show male flowers you foliar spray it on them and it kills only the male flowers. you can even just spray the females anyways just to be positive none of them will be hermie. Bluey I know you had a close call but after last time I think its def. worth the 17$
For $17 bucks, I'll be getting a bottle. As you know, nothing sucks more than having a branch go hermie!!

Everything is looking great. I see your girls are in soil. Do you start them hydro & them finish in soil? Or is it because the weather is changing it soil is more forgiving?



Well-Known Member
Hahaha I'm just running out of room. Only have six plants that can fit in the BP. And soil is very very easy for me. Almost a sure bet every time. And yes everything that you see at one point eas started in the BP or the cloner.


New Member
Looking good Johnny! I too will try the gravity if it works for you but it sounds that with me ( MC thumps the nearest wood) it would be giving a loaded gun to a baby. You be the guinea pig! So far no hermies for me but it's nice to know there is something out there to help. I wonder what's in that stuff. You think it might inadvertently work on the grower? Be careful with that stuff! LOL!
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