john mccain and the keading 5


Well-Known Member
the time has come when most of the people the "keading 5" has scammed have died. mccain is good to go in his opinon i guess.

you will have to look for other imformation besides just the link i enclude for the true story about johns greed. this is a good start though.

also if you look at the facts about how he treats his wife and first wife you can learn alot about his character. id sum him up as an ingrate

<--republicans for obama because ron paul doesnt stand a chance.


New Member
<--republicans for obama because ron paul doesnt stand a chance. Translation- If you can't have your guy, poke out your eye!


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised no one has posted this ... the same bullshit that is going on now went down with the Keading 5 did it not?

Of course corporate media won't cover it ... but I've heard about it on the net ...
... from where I found this thread looks like no one is interested ...
I wonder why? :confused:

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
It is the same story over and over again
They ALL Lie its the same book just diffrent covers
Obama lies as bad as the next guy.
If you think any of them are truthful ,


Well-Known Member
<--republicans for obama because ron paul doesnt stand a chance.

Ummm thats quite the switch considering they are two people with completely different political views and agendas. So essentially what your saying is you don't care about policy?

I am still voting Ron Paul whether he stands a chance or not because I will at least have the satisfaction of knowing I voted for the best candidate and didnt just follow the herd.


New Member
<--republicans for obama because ron paul doesnt stand a chance.

Ummm thats quite the switch considering they are two people with completely different political views and agendas. So essentially what your saying is you don't care about policy?

I am still voting Ron Paul whether he stands a chance or not because I will at least have the satisfaction of knowing I voted for the best candidate and didnt just follow the herd.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. A vote for Paul is a vote for Obama, thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Thank you, thank you, thank you. A vote for Paul is a vote for Obama, thanks again.

well ill take obama over mccain anyday. i may still vote paul because obama will win either way. atleast obama is for decriminalazation oof bud. also mccain is freaking nuts. and i think someone droped the ball when palin is intervued and no body asks wether her husband will have a desk and a phone in her vp office. they can get much much more revenge now

watch this legit true factual video and tell me mccain isnt insane!
YouTube - John McCain's Rage is a National Security Concern


Well-Known Member
Every politician is for decriminalization of weed until they get into office, and it conveniently gets forgotten about.