Jewish leaders meet Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in NYC


Active Member
"when you are greeted with a greeting [of peace], answer with an even better greeting, or [at least] with the like thereof."
yes as long as the non-moslem submits, then you can say salaam a lakim till your tongue falls off.

"any who might cause you "distress" are your "Open Enemies"?? paranoid much? "
Look up the definition of distress: 'Extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain' so you would not call someone that causes you extreme sorrow and pain your enemy?

and for the moslem, distress comes in the form of:

non-moslems eating pork
naming a teddy bear mohammed
seeing a woman who is not covered by 50 yards of draperies and a burlap veil
seeing a jew
hearing about jews
discovering somebody doesnt want a mosque in their neighborhood
seeing a building thats taller than a minaret
the chinese year of the pig
puppies on postcards
any non-moslem setting foot on the sacred and forbidden land of arabia
hindu temples
jain temples
christian cathedrals
jewish synagogues
a woman without an escort
a moslem who decides to stop being a moslem
french preschoolers
dutch film makers
us ambassadors

the list goes on and on, and since these things all cause distress, the people who cause this distress are of course open enemies. as has been demonstrated numerous times.

mohammedanism is a LIE created by an illiterate opium addict who failed as a caravan raider and decided to go into the religion business. you are blinded by your own fervent desire to see your side as right and good, so you cant see that your list of "Open Enemies" is anyone who aint a moslem, and since you have "Clear Authority" over "Open Enemies" you may do what you wish to them.

or maybe your just another silly mohammedan who wants to frooth at the mouth and blame the rest of the world cuz your countries are a shithole.

contemplate this:

allah is the strengthener of the righteous and a weakener of the infidels and the unjust, so why does your side keep losing?

if your side was right allah would strengthen you, and give you victory, yet your side is always in retreat whenever they face opposition.

either your side is not in the favour of your own god, or your god is an impotent wanker who cant do what he promises.
Wheres the evidence??? Post me the evidence you talk a lot of shit but can't back it up because you're an idiot!
Prove me wrong. Post those quotes I've asked of you multiple times you made plenty of statements why not back them up with evidence. Muslims follow the Qu'ran show me the evidence in the Qur'an that I should hate and/or kill non-Muslims you've posted multiple verses which I have proved wrong again and again.
There are 1.6+ Billion Muslims in the world if you don't think you're going to get idiots within those figures you're an even bigger idiot then them.
And you are correct Islam does forgive as long as you repent and change your ways for good. (Exactly how you described Christianities form of forgiveness)
Also why do you keep bringing up those preschool kids yet ignore the 500,000 dead Iraqi children from sanctions. 4=/=500,000 or even the children Israel routinely kills. Much more then 4.
But yeah like I said I am still waiting for those quotes. Just post me them I can't be bothered debating you because all you do is chat shit just post those quotes that's it.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Wheres the evidence??? Post me the evidence you talk a lot of shit but can't back it up because you're an idiot!
Prove me wrong. Post those quotes I've asked of you multiple times you made plenty of statements why not back them up with evidence. Muslims follow the Qu'ran show me the evidence in the Qur'an that I should hate and/or kill non-Muslims you've posted multiple verses which I have proved wrong again and again.
There are 1.6+ Billion Muslims in the world if you don't think you're going to get idiots within those figures you're an even bigger idiot then them.
And you are correct Islam does forgive as long as you repent and change your ways for good. (Exactly how you described Christianities form of forgiveness)
Also why do you keep bringing up those preschool kids yet ignore the 500,000 dead Iraqi children from sanctions. 4=/=500,000 or even the children Israel routinely kills. Much more then 4.
But yeah like I said I am still waiting for those quotes. Just post me them I can't be bothered debating you because all you do is chat shit just post those quotes that's it.
so, saddam hussein and his refusal to abide by the cease fire he agreed to results in sanctions, and half a million iraqi babies died... right. half a million. in a country of 5 million, 10% of the population is babies, and all of them are dead. thats a fanciful tapestry you weave.

meanwhile,, even if we accept that HALF A MILLION babies died from the sanctions (funny, even cuba and north korea dont claim those kinds of death tolls, so looks like sandland really sucks) this does not equate to deliberate and targeted murder of children in specific, as the PRIMARY TARGET.

even if a couple actual innocents (not the fake innocents that hamas puts on display once their green teatowels are removed) are smote when israel and the IDF strike at rocket emplacements hidden in neighborhoods (in those neighborhoods specifically to protect the rocketeers by the way) that also does not justify the bombing of a commuter train in far off madrid, in a country NOT involved in the actions you so deplore.

your constant assertions is that two wrongs make a right, but only if YOURS is the second, more horrific, more irrational, more insane wrong.

iraq started a war with the US by invading kuwait, our ally. if saddam didnt start shit it wouldnt be shit. the result was dead iraqis (i note the silence on your part regarding dead kuwaitis, i guess they werent good moslems so they can just fuck themselves). wars have the effect of resulting in dead people, particularly on the LOSING SIDE (i guess allah didnt strengthen his ass, so why are you complaining, in the juris macto of your faith he lost and was thus proved wrong) thats the reason most countries dont start wars. it sure as shit is the reason sandland hasnt tried another yom kippur throwdown on israel. or did you forget allahj's failure to strengthen the faithful THAT TIME too? when you lose a war, your soldiers and your people generally get the broken end of the broomstick shoved up their ass by the victors. unless you go to war with the USA, then we rebuild your country, help you set up a government chosen by the people and leave. so you can fuck up, and once again devolve into barbarism.

for all your crying about iraq, the PEOPLE of iraq now get to chose their own leaders again, and the shia majority is gonna make the sunni minority pay for the acts of saddam. thats iraq's problem now. if they wanna go all mad max on each other i say let em. letthem burn themselves to the ground. i dont give a fuck. i dont even care about the next 500,000 iraqi babies who will die from america's failure to hold the iraqi's hand and lead them into civilization.

but it will give you plenty of new excuses to sneak suicide bombers into bermuda, thailand, uruguay, and new guinea. those fuckers will pay for being non-moslems, and not having sufficient security to defeat your righteous wrath at the US and israel. after all killing one kaffir is as good as another. all that matters is your bodycount as you drift off to paradise.

as a "devout" moslem why dont YOU (being the expert) list for me the sacred mumblings that the violent extremists (who you so eagerly defend with your excuses) are misusing when they justify their suicide bombs, attacks on children, and treacherous assassinations?

your claim of 1.6 billion moslems is amusing. when one is born into a moslem society one gets stamped with the moslem brand which is indelible. you cant quit being a muzzie without getting a death sentence (or is that also a "mistranslation"?) so even if somebody escapes from under the imam's thumb and goes to america, britain or sweden and starts eating pork, and fucking hookers (female hookers instead of smooth young boys, i know, it's revolting!) they still get counted as moslems as will their progeny.

fuck for all i know IM counted in the 1.6 billion as well.

this may shock you, but popularity does not equate to rightness or even value. the bible sells more copies in a month than the koran does all year. what does that prove? nothing.

further, your statement "Exactly how you described Christianities form of forgiveness" is so stupid i gotta wonder who writes this shit for you. thats Catholic dogma dipshit. its not how i describe anything. other sects have their own manner of seeking forgiveness of sins.

i posted up several exhortations by mohammed to kill the unbelievers (but only if they are "open enemies" (as opposed to secret enemies who havent tipped their hand yet) or in times of conflict/war (which is, as i have said, ALWAYS) but you weaseled away from them with transparent lies and half-assed dodges. i have NOT gone to the hadiths, deliberately cuz it would be unfair. like fishing with dynamite.

meanwhile your commentary has wandered all over the map, from the "justification" for murdering toddlers in france, to the fact that theres a lot of people trapped under the yoke of islam. only your weaseling has stayed on topic, and nobody reading your convoluted reasoning as to why its ok to chop the head off a dutch filmaker because you are at war with the jews can come to any conclusion except

A: you are a blithering madman who is unrepresentative of moslems in general
B: you are a blithering madman who IS representative of moslems in general.

either way moslems have commited so many heinous crimes in the name of their religion, and so many of YOU other moslems have defended their actions with idiotic claims of justification that the civilized mind draws a single conclusion.



Active Member
Can't be bothered talking to you. Just post me those verses or admit you were wrong. That is all you have to do. An apology would be nice as well :)

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
none are so blind as those who refuse to see.
I HAVE posted several (but by no means all) of the koran's calls to kill any who refuse to submit to allah (and most importantly his apostle mohammed) and do violence in whatever form the believer wishes to any un-believer (as long as its in time of war, which is conveniently, ALWAYS) all without even dipping inot the rich feculent cesspool that is the hadith

and you have claimed bad translations, used weasel words to redefine a statement that is pretty fucking clear to everybody (including muzzies with bomb vests) and pretended that you dont understand the very book you claim to worship (when your not bowing to a rock in the kabba like an idolater) all to continue justifying mohammedan RELIGIOUS violence as political discourse. why you even claimed to have the authority to issue fatwas and religious proclamations... and that would be a lie. or are you secrtetly a mullah or imam who smokes weed (which is haram)

carbombs and explosive vests are NOT the political discourse civilized people use.
when civilized people engage in violence they do violence to those who wronged them, not a preschool 5000 miles away.
civilized people dont justify random violence as excusable because some jews were mean to some muzzies.

conclusion, you are not civilized, nor are your compatriots in mohammedanism.
you arguments have all fallen flat, your claims of victory are hollow, and you have displayed to everyone who reads this thread that you not only justify violence against children (as long as they are not mohammedan children that is) but REVEL in it.

every moslem child dead is a tragedy, while every kaffir child dead is a glorious victory for allah.

and some people wonder why i despise islam.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Islam/Christianity/Scientology = all insane ideologies

The criticism should be pointed towards ignorance
some ignorant people are as harmless as a butterfly fluttering in the afternoon sunshine.

the truely ignorant are truely innocent.

theocratic intolerance and authoritarianism however always show their evil nature.

to call islam ignorant is to declare true evil is simply a misunderstanding.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Allow me to be the first to say...

"Durka durka Muhammad jihad".
whats really funny is i know a few moslems, i even consider them friends. but their religion is not the guiding force in their lives, they dont pray 5 times a day, they dont feel the need to defame jews, or lift/cleanse israel from the pages of history, and they dont get butthurt every time somebody in sandland gets all pissy about some imagined sleight to mohammed.

but then i guess they just arent very good moslems so they dont count.


Well-Known Member
some ignorant people are as harmless as a butterfly fluttering in the afternoon sunshine.

the truely ignorant are truely innocent.

theocratic intolerance and authoritarianism however always show their evil nature.

to call islam ignorant is to declare true evil is simply a misunderstanding.
The ignorance of reality is what makes them dangerous, same thing with Christians

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
whats really funny is i know a few moslems, i even consider them friends. but their religion is not the guiding force in their lives, they dont pray 5 times a day, they dont feel the need to defame jews, or lift/cleanse israel from the pages of history, and they dont get butthurt every time somebody in sandland gets all pissy about some imagined sleight to mohammed.

but then i guess they just arent very good moslems so they dont count.
It's always that damn snake in all religions.