Ive always wondered....

How often do you light up??

  • Everyday brooo

    Votes: 25 86.2%
  • A couple times a week. nothin too much

    Votes: 3 10.3%
  • Only once a week, meh

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • only once a month?!?!?

    Votes: 1 3.4%

  • Total voters
Ive always wondered how many people smoke everyday like I do? Is it just a handful of people? Or is like the whole world stoned 24/7!!! Just answer the pole question! I really wanna see how much people smoke lol. I must be high.....


Ursus marijanus
Every day, but at/near bedtime. I spend the day sober. If I were to post here regularly while high, *nobody* would be able to understand my crème de keyboard. cn


Well-Known Member
Dude are you seriously asking this on a forum full of smokers in the section where everyone is just high as fuck looking at shit? What do you think everyone is going to answer lol. I guess unless they're out?


Well-Known Member
I also answered, mmmm bongs.
i have fallen in love with the glass gravity. I don't know why but i smoke so much less & get so much higher. hopefully i don't build a tolerance

Its bad ass it filters thru the water just like a bong. The stem goes all the way to the bottom. Just add ICE :blsmoke:


jammin screw

Well-Known Member
Used to... Can't right now... Though I have to say I'd take a break everyonce in awhile....I would like a gravitron too.... Nxt to an herb iron... Next to some herb, next to some more herb and some more by some moreeeeee eh u get the picture

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
Its an easy thing to miss. Hell I'm down to my last nug and no money till the 13. MY LUCKY DAY. FRIDAY THE 13th
Oh shit be careful bro...the bud is gon get big like scary movie n eat you my ninja.... Then they'll literally be like ganja kills, I watched that earlier that's why I brought it up... They outta make a movie like that called.. "Ganja Kill" or "Killa Ganja".... Could u imagine that shit?


Well-Known Member
Oh shit be careful bro...the bud is gon get big like scary movie n eat you my ninja.... Then they'll literally be like ganja kills, I watched that earlier that's why I brought it up... They outta make a movie like that called.. "Ganja Kill" or "Killa Ganja".... Could u imagine that shit?

Yes it's a real movie... And a real shitty one too.


Well-Known Member
Oh shit be careful bro...the bud is gon get big like scary movie n eat you my ninja.... Then they'll literally be like ganja kills, I watched that earlier that's why I brought it up... They outta make a movie like that called.. "Ganja Kill" or "Killa Ganja".... Could u imagine that shit?
I'm not gonna lie, I was confused for a minute.

Imagine weed that smoked US....