Israel Steals More Land in West Bank...kicks inhabitants out.


New Member
Have you people read this thread!...Its like going back in time...this argument has been going on since the USA started it all. Remember?

If they can't seem to get their shit together...too bad! Its time to remove all the reporters and news people from the region and let them settle it one way or the other.

Children are being killed in Africa too but you don't hear about that day after day after year after year.

If we would not follow the bullshit it would have stopped in the 70's.

Too bad but is what needs to happen, whining and crying like babies hasn't worked, bullets and bombs will.

Let them at each other...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
They do it legally thru their courts also
You need a permit to build anything. Arabs living in Israel seem to not get any
arabs living in israel get permits and build shit all the time. what the fuck are you talking about?

arabs living in the west bank and gaza (the occupied territories) have difficulty getting permits to build on high ground, or with materials which can be used to make bunkers and forts, but thats because they live in occupied territories which have been simmering with low level conflict and insurgency for 50 years.

israel has prosecuted their occupation within the requirements of the geneva convention, and have gone beyond geneva's requirements in their dealings with their insurgents. the IDF would be well within their rights under the geneva conventions to execute anyone under arms without a uniform as a saboteur of spy. they would also be well within their rights to carpet bomb rocket emplacements and conduct VIGOROUS hose to house searches for weapon caches. if the US marines were handling this occupation, the pallies would be begging for the return of the IDF.


Well-Known Member
arabs living in israel get permits and build shit all the time. what the fuck are you talking about?

arabs living in the west bank and gaza (the occupied territories) have difficulty getting permits to build on high ground, or with materials which can be used to make bunkers and forts, but thats because they live in occupied territories which have been simmering with low level conflict and insurgency for 50 years.

israel has prosecuted their occupation within the requirements of the geneva convention, and have gone beyond geneva's requirements in their dealings with their insurgents. the IDF would be well within their rights under the geneva conventions to execute anyone under arms without a uniform as a saboteur of spy. they would also be well within their rights to carpet bomb rocket emplacements and conduct VIGOROUS hose to house searches for weapon caches. if the US marines were handling this occupation, the pallies would be begging for the return of the IDF.
'Israeli Arabs have no choice but to build illegally'[h=2]Study released by the Dirasat - Arab Center for Law and Policy highlights obstacles faced by Israeli Arabs wishing to build homes; about a quarter of Arab communities have neither a local nor privatized master plan.[/h]


Well-Known Member
'Israeli Arabs have no choice but to build illegally'Study released by the Dirasat - Arab Center for Law and Policy highlights obstacles faced by Israeli Arabs wishing to build homes; about a quarter of Arab communities have neither a local nor privatized master plan.
Have you tried building anything in the US? LOL!!!

Shooting rockets into civilian urban areas is the only recourse!!!


Well-Known Member
Have you tried building anything in the US? LOL!!!

Shooting rockets into civilian urban areas is the only recourse!!!
That article is talking about the problems israeli arabs face in trying to build something
Israel has had a policy of discrimination against arab israelis for 60 years. Their goals are to remove the arabs from israel

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
'Israeli Arabs have no choice but to build illegally'Study released by the Dirasat - Arab Center for Law and Policy highlights obstacles faced by Israeli Arabs wishing to build homes; about a quarter of Arab communities have neither a local nor privatized master plan.
according to this "report" 25% of arab construction in israel is illegal (meaning 75% DID get permits and DID build legally), but then goes on to describe SHANTYTOWNS!

nobody issues permits to build shantytowns, ANYWHERE!!! noit even in brazil mexico, the phillipines or darfur!

the county of sacramento just bulldozed a shantytown in natomas, does this mean california is oppressing the palestinians too?

75% of arab towns villages farms and homes in israel are legal, and NOT bulldozed, but when tin shacks and tarpaper hooches get demolished, man those jews are real assholes.

INB4 Palestinian Patty.

does this line of reasoning mean i can launch russian artillery rockets at the leaders of my HOA since they demanded i demolish my chicken coop?


Well-Known Member
That article is talking about the problems israeli arabs face in trying to build something
Israel has had a policy of discrimination against arab israelis for 60 years. Their goals are to remove the arabs from israel
And the palestinians have had a habit of shooting rockets into Israel on a regular basis.... You dont see the cause and effect eh?

Palestinians violate Israeli laws either by shooting or building and somehow it is always the Israeli's fault...

But hey, you are a neutral observer right? LOL!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
and "tarpaper hooches" ...forgive the troll, but these are just awesome
meh, "hose to house" is a pretty funny typo, but tarpaper hooches are real.

tarpaper is the CLASSIC hooch building material in temperate regions where palm fronds and banana leaves are not generally available.

building a hooch anyplace without palm fronds or broad leafed tropical plants pretty much requires tarpaper, as oiled canvas and deer hide construction falls under the heading of "Tent" rather than the much more hilarious "Hooch"
Israel is an illegal state.
Palestine was stolen by the butchering of its people.
Arab jews have right to that land....and we lived in peace together, christians,jews and muslimsm
These israelis are mostly of european descent,so they have no right to be there.
If everyone in the states suddenly decided to move back to europe and take over its governkents...would europe just let you do it?
Pure and simple...our land was stolen by a political ideology that hijacked judaism and used the holocaust as a sympathy vote.....ITS CALLED ZIONISM.
Every rocket fired against retaliation for the murder of our fathers and the rape of our mothers and sisters.
This conflict is not about religion....its about land occupation and genocide...all whilst the media tells you that the oppressor is the victim.


Well-Known Member
Israel is an illegal state.
Palestine was stolen by the butchering of its people.
Arab jews have right to that land....and we lived in peace together, christians,jews and muslimsm
These israelis are mostly of european descent,so they have no right to be there.
If everyone in the states suddenly decided to move back to europe and take over its governkents...would europe just let you do it?
Pure and simple...our land was stolen by a political ideology that hijacked judaism and used the holocaust as a sympathy vote.....ITS CALLED ZIONISM.
Every rocket fired against retaliation for the murder of our fathers and the rape of our mothers and sisters.
This conflict is not about religion....its about land occupation and genocide...all whilst the media tells you that the oppressor is the victim.
Arafat and Rabin had a working peace. The extreme right Zionists killed Rabin for it. Israel's goal is not peace but expanding it's boundarys
by the same token. The palestinians are victims, aggressors and handy prop pieces for the other countrys in the area needing someone to wage war on Israel by proxy
Arafat and Rabin had a working peace. The extreme right Zionists killed Rabin for it. Israel's goal is not peace but expanding it's boundarys
by the same token. The palestinians are victims, aggressors and handy prop pieces for the other countrys in the area needing someone to wage war on Israel by proxy
Palestine is not the only country to suffer...most middle eastern states bar the gulf ones have been affected greatly by Israel.
And Israels sights are aimed at all the land between the River Nile and the Euphrates.
This started way before the creation of israel...which required the downfall of the ottoman empire (ww1) and the holocaust (ww2) .
The middle east is undergoing a genocide......all to protect an illegal state for the remainders of a previous genocide?
Peace can not be formed as it is not Israels intention. Peace is formed on the basis of equality, trust and mutual benefit. None of these things are ever shown by israel.
An Israel at peace could no longer demand the obscene amount of aid it recieves from the US any more


Well-Known Member
Won? Won how?
This is not a lottery brother. They stole that land and butchered its inhabitants. Deir yassin is just one stark reminder of many such incidents.
We stole america from the indians

We aint giving it back. But that doesnt give us the right to annex Mexico or Canada