Is the Water O.K. ?


Well-Known Member
a picture of ?
Your car. lol your plant man. IT make it a shit load easier to help you figure out your problem. More than likely your problem isn't ph or the water source. What's wrong with It could be debated all day but a pic is worth a thousand words. If I told you my car wouldn't start but it had gas and a good battery could you tell me how to fix it?


Well-Known Member
Fine do whatever you want but don't come here with a bullshit Google link from an hvac info site just to try & prove me wrong. I personally don't give a shit what kind of water you use; was just trying to help the OP who obviously has other issues unrelated to the use of distilled water. I have been using dehumidifier water for years and know of several growers who also augment their water supply with a/c water and the like so until you have some exp don't give advice on this subject. Maybe you missed the part in organics sec about mycorrizea, bacteria, and other fungi & microbial life that lives in the have much to learn
What does using dehumidifer water have to do with your microherd? So basically you're telling me that people who use moldy water from their dehumidifier are helping feed their endo and ecto mycorrizae more than someone using sterile RO water or properly distilled water?

I can believe that if you take very good care of your dehumidifier that it would be a viable source for decently pure water, but most people i have seen with a dehumidifier don't take the time to properly clean it weekly or even monthly. They started adding those little lights on them to kill the mold spores before they start growing too dense. I would at least advise people considering this to make sure and test the ppm and ph of the water before giving it to anything they are going to eat or smoke (or vape). And please, please, please, clean your dehumidifier at least bi-weekly (with vinegar) before sharing any of your finished product with anyone

High Tide

Well-Known Member
Your car. lol your plant man. IT make it a shit load easier to help you figure out your problem. More than likely your problem isn't ph or the water source. What's wrong with It could be debated all day but a pic is worth a thousand words. If I told you my car wouldn't start but it had gas and a good battery could you tell me how to fix it?
this is a mother plant that was switched 12/12 on january got beat up a bit in a grow tent to flower........had my battles with dehumidifier temp down to 80-84 now with RH 45-50............started to us the recycled dehumidifier water............80 ph'd to questioned regarding soil ph which was 5.6.................i just burned my top leaves because my light was a little too close...i think.........leaves just turned light green.............unless that is problems associated with dehuey water/ hopefully the pics help.........i just woke up the plant.......leaves usually perk up with light..............please shed some is appreciated


Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
What does using dehumidifer water have to do with your microherd? So basically you're telling me that people who use moldy water from their dehumidifier are helping feed their endo and ecto mycorrizae more than someone using sterile RO water or properly distilled water?

I can believe that if you take very good care of your dehumidifier that it would be a viable source for decently pure water, but most people i have seen with a dehumidifier don't take the time to properly clean it weekly or even monthly. They started adding those little lights on them to kill the mold spores before they start growing too dense. I would at least advise people considering this to make sure and test the ppm and ph of the water before giving it to anything they are going to eat or smoke (or vape). And please, please, please, clean your dehumidifier at least bi-weekly (with vinegar) before sharing any of your finished product with anyone
Never said that. I said growers add bacteria and fungi to the soil in their containers on purpose; that's not a bad thing. You probably can grow all kinds of nasty shit in a dehumidifier if you let it but if you empty it daily & clean it occasionally it can be a source of distilled water for your plants. It's not really better or even much different than using RO water but RO is a very wasteful way of getting clean water which is why I also suggest collecting rain.
I get non chlorinated water by any means necessary: I just paid $3.70 to fill up 10g of Walmart RO water because my backyard hose hooked to my RO unit is frozen solid & it takes a week to fill my dehumidifier in this dry/cold. A ph meter dipped in your dehumidifier collection sump will always read 7 because it's just plain distilled water & your tds should measure very low ppms; which btw would not detect molds or bacteria if they were present.

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
this is a mother plant that was switched 12/12 on january got beat up a bit in a grow tent to flower........had my battles with dehumidifier temp down to 80-84 now with RH 45-50............started to us the recycled dehumidifier water............80 ph'd to questioned regarding soil ph which was 5.6.................i just burned my top leaves because my light was a little too close...i think.........leaves just turned light green.............unless that is problems associated with dehuey water/ hopefully the pics help.........i just woke up the plant.......leaves usually perk up with light..............please shed some is appreciated
Looks like it's just overwatered from that droop. I think you need a bigger pot which will keep you from having to water it as much. Try using a fabric sided pot- called a smart pot- & put a tray underneath to catch the runoff. I can see you have had dry spots which have shriveled up those inside leaves- cut the dead shit off, transplant to a bigger pot, she'll look better once you get better drainage I think. When you water it do it twice; once lightly to hydrate the capillaries & then once more about 10 min later to be sure you get water to the entire root ball. Try to go 2-3 days in between waterings; if your plant is drying out before that you need a bigger pot. If you do nothing you'll be forced to use nutes heavy & overwater her all the way through flowering so go with as large a container as you have room for.


couple things seem to jump out here. any chance the your ph pen is off. i ve had a couple go south on me. that its reading essentially distilled(humidifier) water at 8.0 ph is odd. next if you need a gentle upward swing in soil ph add some dolomite lime to the top-tablespoon or 2. or add some to the soil you use to transplant. and make sure you have no dry spots in your soil after you water. i use rainwater fyi

High Tide

Well-Known Member
Looks like it's just overwatered from that droop. I think you need a bigger pot which will keep you from having to water it as much. Try using a fabric sided pot- called a smart pot- & put a tray underneath to catch the runoff. I can see you have had dry spots which have shriveled up those inside leaves- cut the dead shit off, transplant to a bigger pot, she'll look better once you get better drainage I think. When you water it do it twice; once lightly to hydrate the capillaries & then once more about 10 min later to be sure you get water to the entire root ball. Try to go 2-3 days in between waterings; if your plant is drying out before that you need a bigger pot. If you do nothing you'll be forced to use nutes heavy & overwater her all the way through flowering so go with as large a container as you have room for.

so much good info.....thx...........wish i could give you some of my dehuey water.....if you can believe it i get 2 gallons a day..........more than enough for my 14 plants.............


Well-Known Member
My advice to you would be to stop starting threads and go read some sticky posts =D
Reading the folly in the beginning of this thread actually made me feel embarrassed for you, OP.

And to everyone who is providing good and succinct information to this guy - Why? You DO realize that you just wasted your time, right?

High Tide

Well-Known Member
My advice to you would be to stop starting threads and go read some sticky posts =D
Reading the folly in the beginning of this thread actually made me feel embarrassed for you, OP.

And to everyone who is providing good and succinct information to this guy - Why? You DO realize that you just wasted your time, right?

Actually, quite contrary......all the information given has been readily assimilated and applied.........the folly that you create a drama about is one of cultural diversity........something that you're too blind to see.........everyone has given me info because they can see i'm a nice guy.........but no one is going to tolerate a glorified devil's advocate.......take your BS bullying somewhere else..............


Well-Known Member
Fuck man. I hear some lame shit . Put the plants back into vegg was the fucking worst one.
Kool bloom is not a full circle nutrient . It's an additive . Ditch the shit and get you a dry mix like maxi bloom , Jacks , maxsea, or miracle grow for all I care. Second off quit using distilled water void of all immobile elements you aren't even putting back in in the form of micros. Use simple ass tap water and quit PHing soil nutes. Second off he's not using a soil less medium so it don't matter what the damn run off is. There's all kinds of buffers in soil as someone else mentioned . Sprinkle a few tea spoons of dolomite lime in the soil if it will make you feel better.
He's using Kool Bloom only . Lol. O-10-10 and nothing else . You need a damn picture of that to figure shit out ?

And I'm not being a bully. I get so tired of bunk info being spread around here its enough to make me quit logging on or get banned calling you foos out.
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Well-Known Member
Fuck man. I hear some lame shit . Put the plants back into vegg was the fucking worst one.
Kool bloom is not a full circle nutrient . It's an additive . Ditch the shit and get you a dry mix like maxi bloom , Jacks , maxsea, or miracle grow for all I care. Second off quit using distilled water void of all immobile elements you aren't even putting back in in the form of micros. Use simple ass tap water and quit PHing soil nutes. Second off he's not using a soil less medium so it don't matter what the damn run off is. There's all kinds of buffers in soil as someone else mentioned . Sprinkle a few tea spoons of dolomite lime in the soil if it will make you feel better.
He's using Kool Bloom only . Lol. O-10-10 and nothing else . You need a damn picture of that to figure shit out ?

And I'm not being a bully. I get so tired of bunk info being spread around here its enough to make me quit logging on or get banned calling you foos out.
you must not know anything! if you come on rollitup you will know the solution to every problem within a couple posts. use cal mag. yellow leaves? calmag. stunted growth? cal mag. tent's too hot? calimag. If you are using calmag this much (even with distilled or ro) then you need to ditch your shitty nutes.

I agree and don't understand why people don't just use 1 part complete nutrients (might i add dyna gro foliage pro works excellent) where you don't need calmag.
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Well-Known Member
u would not believe the nasty swamp water I have used plants love ithuey water is fine its a weed cmone ibet have u guys caringe when u hands get all that nasty huey water on them .

High Tide

Well-Known Member
Fuck man. I hear some lame shit . Put the plants back into vegg was the fucking worst one.
Kool bloom is not a full circle nutrient . It's an additive . Ditch the shit and get you a dry mix like maxi bloom , Jacks , maxsea, or miracle grow for all I care. Second off quit using distilled water void of all immobile elements you aren't even putting back in in the form of micros. Use simple ass tap water and quit PHing soil nutes. Second off he's not using a soil less medium so it don't matter what the damn run off is. There's all kinds of buffers in soil as someone else mentioned . Sprinkle a few tea spoons of dolomite lime in the soil if it will make you feel better.
He's using Kool Bloom only . Lol. O-10-10 and nothing else . You need a damn picture of that to figure shit out ?

And I'm not being a bully. I get so tired of bunk info being spread around here its enough to make me quit logging on or get banned calling you foos out.

No your not a bully ............your info is straight from the heart.....and it comes off just as that ......thanks summed up everything pretty good..........i'm glad you can see all the parody in all the responses that i received............

High Tide

Well-Known Member
you must not know anything! if you come on rollitup you will know the solution to every problem within a couple posts. use cal mag. yellow leaves? calmag. stunted growth? cal mag. tent's too hot? calimag. If you are using calmag this much (even with distilled or ro) then you need to ditch your shitty nutes.

I agree and don't understand why people don't just use 1 part complete nutrients (might i add dyna gro foliage pro works excellent) where you don't need calmag.

again, thank you SR.........your info is well received................btw.....i'm currently using dyna-gro K-L-N for my aeroponic cloning......i think it's you feel that the dyna-gro line is satisfactory as complete nutrients?


Well-Known Member
it's great. i suggest dyna gro foliage pro and dyna gro protekt (the protekt is a silicon supplement that makes plants stronger and more resistant to drought). I've used it in dirt, coco, and promix and only have deficiencies when I do something wrong such as underwater. There is a few good threads if you look around on here of some old timers who use it. The ratio is perfect in foliage pro for container growing, only thing you have to figure out is feeding frequency and amount. Now for hydro, you can definitely use this line, but will need the bloom to get the right ratio during flower.

The ratio is perfect in foliage pro for container growing(9-3-6), only thing you have to figure out is feeding frequency and amount. Simple formula: 4 part FP to 1 part Protekt from start to finish. This time i am using floralicious plus during flower (@1ml/gallon) for a little something extra.
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Well-Known Member
if in dirt don't waste money on si it is one of the most abundant min on earth its in almost everything hydro only keep that cash in u pocket