is it true boys ?


Active Member
i have some problems with my marijuana

growing so slowly,,,,the leave down are yellow ,,,but the top leave are fine,,the end of them little yellow !!!!

my friends told me to add some milk and olive oil to the woter !!!

is that ok ??
please help


bud bootlegger
i have never heard of adding either, yet both of them.. did they happen to tell you what they are supposed to do for you?
are you growing in soil or hydroponically? what kind of light are you using.. have you been giving them any kind of nutes yet? how far away are you lights? the more details that you can provide the better..


Active Member
never heard of milk or olive oil in the water, sounds suspect. The yellowing of the leaves could be a number of things. Nutrient burn, ph levels, lightning issues, temperature etc. The growth could also be affected by these also. It could also be due to transplant shock, we need more info to help you. good luck


Active Member
i yjink my lights are perfict,,,my fathe has a flower farms and i have the best growing lights !!
and the are aoutomatic,,,if the plan so close it makes less heet ,,,,so its fine,,
i use soil,,,red soil,,,
i live in north africa and we have no back soil here ! and its only me the one who growinli marijuana in LIBYA !!!
my friend who told me they are from hungary,,,they told me milk and olive oil give all the netriuts and magneezium and iron ,,,,etc
so do you now what is going on with my plant


bud bootlegger
yellowing leaves are usually a sign of the plant needing more nitrogen.. i don't know many natural sources for nitrogen, but gimme a second and i will do a google search for you and see if i can't find you a better source than olive oil and milk


Well-Known Member
I don't know what milk would do but I can't imagine olive oil doing anything but coating your roots and making water and nutrient intake impossible. Does their Hungaian weed produce monster buds that kick you butt? Probably not, get your info from Norcal or Aussie growers. They kick butt. Morrocans are good at it too.


bud bootlegger
i just read that manure can be a great natural source of nitrogen.. maybe chicken's or goats poo are good one's to use.. you have to be very careful adding straight manure to your soil as it can burn your plants.. maybe you could find an old poo somewhere in the soil where its already had a chance to breakdown some, and use that soil, just add a lil on the top of your soil.. i am not sure how you go about using poo for fertilizer that's for sure, i would really suggest that you use google and read up on the best methods of using it.. you could also just google nitrogen sources for plants and see what pop's up..
hope that helps you out some.. i don't want to tell you the wrong thing and end up killing your plants... that is awesome that you are the only one who is attempting to grow, many kudos.. good luck with the grow .. just like i said, look up good natural sources of food for plants and i think you will find lots of good info.. it just sounds like they maybe a lil hungry to me.. i also saw that bat guano, or bat poop, is a good source of nitrogen for plants, but i am not sure if you will be able to find bat guano where you are..
best of luck though m8, much respect for growing where no other person is growing..


Active Member
i just read that manure can be a great natural source of nitrogen.. maybe chicken's or goats poo are good one's to use.. you have to be very careful adding straight manure to your soil as it can burn your plants.. maybe you could find an old poo somewhere in the soil where its already had a chance to breakdown some, and use that soil, just add a lil on the top of your soil.. i am not sure how you go about using poo for fertilizer that's for sure, i would really suggest that you use google and read up on the best methods of using it.. you could also just google nitrogen sources for plants and see what pop's up..
hope that helps you out some.. i don't want to tell you the wrong thing and end up killing your plants... that is awesome that you are the only one who is attempting to grow, many kudos.. good luck with the grow .. just like i said, look up good natural sources of food for plants and i think you will find lots of good info.. it just sounds like they maybe a lil hungry to me.. i also saw that bat guano, or bat poop, is a good source of nitrogen for plants, but i am not sure if you will be able to find bat guano where you are..
best of luck though m8, much respect for growing where no other person is growing..

tank you so much you are so kind,,,where are you from ?
tanks and i will google it around,,,,,
i dont know anuthing about marijuana,,,you know the credit card is avalibe just now in libya !! i brouth the seeds from the net and it just caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame ha ha ha i like it,,,,,
we have only hash that is comeing from marocco,,,,,
so all the best and tsnks agine