Is it ok to feed your dog weed leaves? itsa boxer


Well-Known Member
Yea its like a little experiment lol

Hes alot older now i took those pics back end of summer


Well-Known Member
wait...before you do this.....thnk about the consequences!

both of my pits are pups, but there large. large enough to destroy a pot plant and eat all of the leavesand somtimes buds. i now cant even go look at a plant thats outside during summer time becuase they will relize what it is and immediately try and take monster bites out of the foliage. learn from my mistakes lol


New Member
Idk, I fed my dog cooked veg leaves in his dog food I made for him because of the nutritional benefits for humans, and he is beyond high. I don't get it, I didn't think veg leaves even had thc but I'm scared he's going to go into a puppy coma. I'm wondering if sonething other then thc is what fucks dogs up. I've seen the same thing happen on pot farms to dogs that eat the raw leaves and I thought thc had to be heated to get you high. But they get wobbly and shaky and dazed out. My dog is just laying here eyes rolling in his head. He's still responsive if I call but walks all wobbly and I just gave him a couple branches from two foot plants in veg. Boiled into his homeade dog food and the water was even strained out so it couldn't have been much thc at all. He's a big dog too. So idk.

Will Ferrell

Well-Known Member
I let my dog chew on the stocks. I've seen actual sticks sold at the pet store.. that's what have me the idea. He just likes to chew them up into a thousand pieces, inside. I don't think he eats it though.


Well-Known Member
if u wanna get them high just exhale the smoke in their face...hold their muzzle shut so they gotta breath it in through their of my friends does this with his pug...and he stumbles around lol its hilarious...but everytime they light up he comes running to sit on mommy or daddy's lap lol
Maybe you should get your jaws forced shut and get smoke blown in your face,,