Is Integration the key to peace?

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Well-Known Member
integration to what? white social traditional paradigms of whats right , wrong and how to live?
sounds a bit more like assimilation.

Which has been proven never to be good.
everyones cultural background and heritage and traditions should be held with the highest regard, we are humans, unique and we can have peace once we all begin to be tolerant of one another and work together as allys to stop real issues like poverty
If any other member posted this, UB would have made comparisons to stormfront posts instead of giving it a like.


Well-Known Member
The key to peace, IMO, is education. It's the silver bullet for nearly everything wrong in this world.


Well-Known Member
If any other member posted this, UB would have made comparisons to stormfront posts instead of giving it a like.
not sure how you came to this conclusion ?

from how i read it sunni is saying people should be able to keep their own culture/traditions/identity and still be able to live next door as neighbours or whatever in peace
in any country, all cultures should respect each other and unite to solve the real problems like poverty
rather than people being forced to adopt the culture of the country they are in (assimilation)

what Sunni is saying sounds like old fashioned hippy ideology to me, nice idea, but people are too mean and selfish imo to make that work


Staff member
not sure how you came to this conclusion ?

from how i read it sunni is saying people should be able to keep their own culture/traditions/identity and still be able to live next door as neighbours or whatever in peace
in any country, all cultures should respect each other and unite to solve the real problems like poverty
rather than people being forced to adopt the culture of the country they are in (assimilation)

what Sunni is saying sounds like old fashioned hippy ideology to me, nice idea, but people are to mean and selfish imo
well ideology can be a good thing its the start of revolutionary and social change which we have seen much in the last years
we can work for a better future but it starts with social change and upbringing our new generations with proper respect for others cultural humility :)


Well-Known Member
well ideology can be a good thing its the start of revolutionary and social change which we have seen much in the last years
we can work for a better future but it starts with social change and upbringing our new generations with proper respect for others cultural humility :)
Culture is being used again as an anchor for xenophobia in this country. And as a term of derision.


Well-Known Member
well ideology can be a good thing its the start of revolutionary and social change which we have seen much in the last years
we can work for a better future but it starts with social change and upbringing our new generations with proper respect for others cultural humility :)
what you said kind of reminded me of the bill hicks life is just a ride thing couldn't be further from racism ,
its peace hippy style, which is nice but i don't see it happening

after we have solved poverty
we can all explore outer space and inner space together in peace
or something like that - bill hicks


Well-Known Member
not sure how you came to this conclusion ?

from how i read it sunni is saying people should be able to keep their own culture/traditions/identity and still be able to live next door as neighbours or whatever in peace
in any country, all cultures should respect each other and unite to solve the real problems like poverty
rather than people being forced to adopt the culture of the country they are in (assimilation)

what Sunni is saying sounds like old fashioned hippy ideology to me, nice idea, but people are too mean and selfish imo to make that work
Because being proud of your culture/heritage has been "proven" in this forum to be entirely misplaced (since you had no choice which family you are born into), and wanting to keep cultural identity intact is a dog whistle for racism, bigotry and separatism.

Or so they say.

Personally, I don't think any of it matters. People, traditions, identity.. they all change.


Staff member
lol what you said kind of reminded me of the bill hicks life is just a ride thing couldn't be further from racism ,
its peace hippy style, which is nice but i don't see it happening

after we have solved poverty
we can all explore outer space and inner space together in peace
or something like that - bill hicks
eh i can see a big change not a total change but a big change, a paradigm shift, we've had many in the last couple decades from gay rights to Africans being able to ride the bus, to women being able to vote

It takes bright fresh minds to come and start a social change, many people are doing so , and eventually it will become apart of the social norm!
we just need to be patient as these things come with time!

We're at a time in life where we can stand up and fight for whats right and whats proper , if people so choose to be racist/homophobic/general intolerance that is their unfortunate upbringing or because of fear , or because they were a victim of crime, but the small minimal amount of people that is we can still overcome conquer and make change, just as we are doing now!
It'll work out for the best in the end.

Even i one of the least racist people ever have opened my mind even more to understanding others culture, and stereotypes and realized even I had some intolerance in myself that was brought on by media, or culture , or social behavior i try my best each and everyday however to fight the good fight! so that my kids and their generation can continue and work hard for a better future for all races and cultures
and that makes me happy at the end of the day


Well-Known Member
Because being proud of your culture/heritage has been "proven" in this forum to be entirely misplaced (since you had no choice which family you are born into), and wanting to keep cultural identity intact is a dog whistle for racism, bigotry and separatism.

Or so they say.

Personally, I don't think any of it matters. People, traditions, identity.. they all change.
she said "everyone's cultural background" and unlike some members, did not imply that multiculturalism was some sort of plot to destroy whitey (see: kynes).


Well-Known Member
eh i can see a big change not a total change but a big change, a paradigm shift, we've had many in the last couple decades from gay rights to Africans being able to ride the bus, to women being able to vote

It takes bright fresh minds to come and start a social change, many people are doing so , and eventually it will become apart of the social norm!
we just need to be patient as these things come with time!

We're at a time in life where we can stand up and fight for whats right and whats proper , if people so choose to be racist/homophobic/general intolerance that is their unfortunate upbringing or because of fear , or because they were a victim of crime, but the small minimal amount of people that is we can still overcome conquer and make change, just as we are doing now!
It'll work out for the best in the end.

Even i one of the least racist people ever have opened my mind even more to understanding others culture, and stereotypes and realized even I had some intolerance in myself that was brought on by media, or culture , or social behavior i try my best each and everyday however to fight the good fight! so that my kids and their generation can continue and work hard for a better future for all races and cultures
and that makes me happy at the end of the day
Every single bit of this boils down to education in my eyes.


Staff member
Because being proud of your culture/heritage has been "proven" in this forum to be entirely misplaced (since you had no choice which family you are born into), and wanting to keep cultural identity intact is a dog whistle for racism, bigotry and separatism.

Or so they say.

Personally, I don't think any of it matters. People, traditions, identity.. they all change.
uhm what? lol


Staff member
Every single bit of this boils down to education in my eyes.
education is a big part for sure. never denied that
but so does the beginning social stages of life, its hard to convert someone from being intolerant if they were brought up completely intolerant, in their early years before school

Than there is the question of what is taught specifically in history classes, and social classes.
than there is social behav, from friends or school mates who may be intolerant or not intolerant.
than there is media, factual topics over emotional heart string topics that create intolerant opinions.
all this stems from being in a proper upbringing up a house

- "there is never 1 thing in life that makes the end result it is always a multiple system that works together as one to create a whole image. "
ive said that quote various times for various things on this board like proper diet, mental illness help, physical illness help and it holds true.


Well-Known Member
education is a big part for sure. never denied that
but so does the beginning social stages of life, its hard to convert someone from being intolerant if they were brought up completely intolerant, in their early years before school

Than there is the question of what is taught specifically in history classes, and social classes.
than there is social behav, from friends or school mates who may be intolerant or not intolerant.
than there is media, factual topics over emotional heart string topics that create intolerant opinions.
all this stems from being in a proper upbringing up a house

- "there is never 1 thing in life that makes the end result it is always a multiple system that works together as one to create a whole image. "
ive said that quote various times for various things on this board like proper diet, mental illness help, physical illness help and it holds true.
Do you know what the #1 decision to home school is about?
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