injunction/court case updates


Well-Known Member
Ya this all stresses me out I don't need it. Lots thought we wouldn't have made it this far. And in the end it's only gonna mean is if what I'm doing is legal or not.​


Well-Known Member
this whole case is analogous to closing the barn doors after the horse is gone

their is a reason why every lawyer joke involves them being sheisty cocksuckers $$$ :)

@bigmanc: my comment is a general one and not defaming yours, have a nice day bud :)


Well-Known Member
look...who are you to say one way or the other how it would or could go.

wait and see..
We as Canadian mmj patients need a decision NOW for allard. We are all being held up by this case. We need allard to end. Positively or negatively. Makes little diffrence. All mmj cases are stayed pending allards outcome. So we need the whole case, conroy, crown, and judge need to all fuck off. Their dilly dallying is preventing real change not helping.


Well-Known Member
Harper and co are out that's the change were waiting on. Really lib or Ndp will do for medical patients. Rec users are still up in the air with either party IMO. We like to believe everything that's being said. Don't hold your breath that a politician will tell the truth. Canada as a whole is trending left this go around. Let's take as much ground as we can this time and not piss it away with a never ending allard case that fucks the whole lot of us.