infamous kief run


Well-Known Member
So since the last time I posted I made a few good connections at the clinics who were donating for it, and now I have access to as much outdoor trim as I can possibly use for insanely low prices. I'd much rather be getting indoor trim, but it's literally 5x what I'm paying on the outdoor, and no one has complained at all. I plan on doing an 11 lb extraction by the end of the weekend but was considering kiefing half, then blasting it in small tubes. I have tried blasting large amounts of kief before, but naively put 5 ounces of kief in a glass tube and expected rubber bands and coffee filters to hold. Needless to say I lost 3 of the 5 ounces due to this mistake. Could have been muuuch worse.
That experience turned me off of kief runs and my partner and I went back to normal coffee grind then blasting the trim. However, my connect has offered me even crazier prices if I am able to process more at once. The cost of butane after kiefing has me pretty fascinated. I kiefed some of this last batch and got the 5 ounces from 4 lbs. I figure I'll kief til I get about a half pound, then blast that one ounce at a time in a much smaller glass tube. I would also use a metal clamp and stainless steel mesh filter this time rather than rubber bands and coffee filters. Does anyone have experience doing this much kief in a small tube?
listen to mantle, run kief pack it down tight but not too tight, blast fast, use cheese cloth and filters (or it will shoot kief the fuck everywhere), yeilds fat, youll get dark shatter that tastes like hash, potent