Indoor Lighting Problems.......HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have 4 plants indoors. strain crystal from nirvana. I am currently using 4 23watt cfls @ 6500k. Have read that this is good for vegg. Plants are not looking too good. Would florescent tubes @ 40watts be better @ 6500k? or is HPS the only good garunteed system??????????? is there anyway around HPS??????? What is the best system to buy for a small grow of under 10 plants?????????? what have you used in your own experience?????????????


Well-Known Member
as above, you never said how big they are but you want at least 3-4 of them bulbs per plant, there probably looking bad due to lack of light, pics would help.


Active Member
I would definitely add more light. I started with CFLs so can confidently say that it can and does work, providing you have enough bulbs. However, when I switched my veg room over to a MH, the difference is almost night and day (to me at least).

So, if you want to stick with CFLs add more. If the price starts getting to be around the same as a HID system, that's where I'd put my money. It's about what works for you.


Active Member
I'm using CFL's now. I have a 2x60 watt, which is giving me only 2600 lumens, and 40watt Fluorescent on one plant. Hope to move up to a HPS before it gets taller :)