increase weight


Well-Known Member
I have heard adding molasses to your crop can significantly add weight to your final product.

I know that with traditional hydroponic systems you will run into clogged pipes and sprayers if you put it into your water/nute solution.

I wonder if the plant would suffer any negative outcomes if the molasses was directly injected by needle into the root system?

comments? opinions? arguments?



Well-Known Member
Yes.It would injure the plant causing it to slow the grow and start to heal are putting it in the plant whole.the roots up take the nutr from the soil or water and change it so it can eat it.That would be like you take a whole steak and pushing it down your chew your food and your stomach digest it and your body up takes the nutr. plant do the same.PEACE


Well-Known Member
molasses is used in soil grows however I am all about optimizing yield, potency, quality and generally the final product... we'll see if some of the research I have done pays off shortly

I have read that an alternative would be to foliar feed molasses and in that way it will not affect the hydroponic or aeroponic system with clogs and such

I think I get what you were saying toke, but more so along the lines of injecting that steak directly to your stomach and yeah I see where it wouldn't work



Well-Known Member
seems like folar spraying molasses would be down right deadly. yould get mold, the plant wouldnt be able to breath, and yould never be able to dry the bud then either.


Well-Known Member
taken from

"Molasses is a great ingredient in foliar feeding recipes because of it’s ability to chelate nutrients and bring them to the “table” in a form that can be directly absorbed and used by the plant. This really improves the effectiveness of foliar feeds when using them as a plant tonic. In fact it improves them enough that we usually can dilute our teas or mix them more “lean” - with less fertilizer - than we might use without the added molasses. Of course it is possible to use molasses as a foliar feed alone, without any added guano or alfalfa. It’s primary use would be to treat plants who are deficient in Potassium, although molasses also provides significant boosts in other essential minerals such as Sulfur, Iron and Magnesium. Organic farming guides suggest application rates of between one pint and one quart per acre depending on the target plant. For growing a fast growing annual plant like cannabis, we’d suggest a recipe of 1 teaspoon molasses per gallon of water."

apparently not deadly



Well-Known Member
im to lazy/at work to find a link right now, but i really dont need 1 to know that foliar feeding is a bad idea when flowering. ive seen enough rotted buds from just clean rain water to know that spraying them is a nono.
and 1 thing to keep in mind and returning to your first post in a way,,,, just because you read something doesnt make it true,,,somethings you just have to try to really know. i read a ton of info from dealer sites and forums how great alil molasses or carboload works when put into a hydro setup. trust me it blows hard, and it will kill your plants. it will turn your roots into a huge glob of gew that will not let any nutes/water to get to the roots. your plant will dry up and die a slow death.

i found this while i was on break
Carboload Liquid | Advanced Nutrients | Bloom Booster


Well-Known Member
bigbad: definitely appreciate the warning and I've seen those threads I just believe that molasses wasn't necessarily applied in a way that is conducive to its' growing environment and yes I know I could completely be wrong. My guess was that the plants didn't die directly from the molasses. It was more likely they died because the molasses clogged up water distribution system and the plants were not able to get water and nutrients because of it.

Sometimes the application of something the correct fashion is what is relevant. For example if you were adding a circuit breaker in your house it would be wise to turn off your main breaker first and to be double sure of it. Same principle can apply with this, in soil growing molasses works- so we know that plants love it. In hydroponics you will clog up the plumbing if you put it in the water reservoir- however if you spray it on the leaves and cover the plumbing then the plant should use its' nutrients before it ever gets to the water reservoir.

I am currently restructuring my aero system myself from head to toe so I know if something got fucked up I could fix it without flinching so that is a risk I am willing to take and even the possibility of losing the crop to learn something.

I am weird like that I guess, I am a knowledge seeker and am always trying to improve something. I don't necessarily re-invent the wheel I just like to make it more 'round'. My theory is that by foilar feeding a severely diluted amount of molasses on the outsides of my aero system which is completely contained that it would not even make it to the pump system in its' 'sticky' form so it should never act like a glue in the plumbing part as it will never see that. If the diluted amounts work without a problem I can go to a more concentrated version of say a teaspoon per gallon of water and try it that way.

If pioneers in technology screwed up on their first try we wouldn't be where we are today. Tesla reportedly had 1000s of attempts to perfect his 'tesla coil'. I'm not by any means saying I'm like Tesla- I just have the mindset that I want to improve what is the norm now.



Well-Known Member
bigbad: definitely appreciate the warning and I've seen those threads I just believe that molasses wasn't necessarily applied in a way that is conducive to its' growing environment and yes I know I could completely be wrong.

I am currently restructuring my aero system myself from head to toe so I know if something got fucked up I could fix it without flinching so that is a risk I am willing to take and even the possibility of losing the crop to learn something.

I am weird like that I guess, I am a knowledge seeker and am always trying to improve something. I don't necessarily re-invent the wheel i just like to make it more 'round'. My theory is that by foilar feeding a severely diluted amount of molasses on the outsides of my aero system which is completely contained that it would not even make it to the pump system in its' 'sticky' form so it should never act like a glue in the plumbing part as it will never see that. If the diluted amounts work without a problem I can go to a more concentrated version of say a teaspoon per gallon of water and try it that way.

If pioneers in technology screwed up on their first try we wouldn't be where we are today. Tesla reportedly had 1000s of attempts to perfect his 'tesla coil'. I'm not by any means saying I'm like Tesla- I just have the mindset that I want to improve what is the norm now.

A'men,,, i agree with what you are trying to do whole heartedly. at least 1/2 the grows ive done in the last year have been nothing more than experiments. and ive got a few more to try out now that ive started growing again. i think we have the same goals and maybe some of the same ideas. surely we can come up with something to help out pot growers.


Well-Known Member
btw, thinking of this idea some more... might be more feasible to foliar feed with maybe adding a dehumidifier to take out excess moisture ... As an alternative I wonder what making a very small slice into the stem and using a brush to apply molasses as a "topical solution"



Active Member
Hmmm, this got me thinking as well..
What air layered a piece of the plant, between the growing medium and where your branches start, with a plastic pot and put soil into it. Maybe trim off a few branches, cut in one corner of a plastic pot and a hole in the bottom of it so it fits around the stem then you cut a piece of maybe say 1-2 centimeter around the stem, put the pot in place and tape it shut, maybe even place a plastic bag around the pot and taping it off under the bottom of the pot so no fluids gets into the res. After that you can put your soil into the pot and wait for it to grow roots there and then add the molasses.

Dutchy H


Well-Known Member
Or you could just dilute the molasses to an acceptable level where it does not clog up your system:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Or you could just dilute the molasses to an acceptable level where it does not clog up your system:blsmoke:
and what would that be?? i used an 1/16 of what was recommended and still got gew covered roots. 1/32 doesnt seem like it would be worth even trying.


Well-Known Member
and what would that be?? i used an 1/16 of what was recommended and still got gew covered roots. 1/32 doesnt seem like it would be worth even trying.
Well i only use it at 1 desertspoon per 3 litres in my soil grow now,i had started with 2 desertspoons but i felt that it smelled a lot so i decided to feed it less of it but more often.
I know little to nothing about these hydro/aero systems and it was just a suggestion.
If you have tried it and it didnt work then that is probably the advice that people should use lol.
Are there no carboload products designed for use in aero/hydro systems?


Well-Known Member
on the AN website and on the bottle it says that carbo load can be used in hydro systems, but when i used it i had nothing but probs. i caught it early so it wasnt as bad as it wouldve been if i hadve left it overnight. it was last year and im not sure about the numbers, but i think it says to mix 2oz per 1gallon of water. i mixed 1/8oz per gallon and still got the gew. maybe it was just that it doesnt work in DWCs i dont know. either way ill never use it again lol


Well-Known Member
Try to find a product that is water soluble and high in carbs but not sticky or grainy, maybe that is the solution for hydro/aero setups:blsmoke: