Impossible! The deficit is falling as well as unemployment Obama wrecking economy


Well-Known Member
course there is that pesky question of diminishing ice caps in the Arctic
but no one bothers to mention that we only began collecting data on it in 1979, at the end of the second-coldest period in the Arctic in a century. The ice had to be abnormally expanded then
Exposing horseshit is both fun and satisfying.


Well-Known Member
Didn't you know? global warming causes every kind of weather event known to man. Best to remember: If its cold, global warming caused it. If its raining hard, global warming. :-)
Global warming caused that meteor to hit Russia about a month ago. 10,000,000 scientist in 10000 countries agree on this, so it must be true.


Well-Known Member
Well, since those very climatologists predicted those same sea level cities would already be underwater in the next couple of years and that doesn't seem to be the case, I guess we'll be going with my theory, since it's the ONLY one that still holds water. Time's a bitch isn't it? If only you Progs could have passed your horseshit legislation BEFORE all your predictions fell on their face. Oh well, on to the next manufactured crisis to force your true agenda on to a population that would otherwise recoil from such stupidity.

Tell that to the people still recovering from Katrina and now Sandy.


Well-Known Member
yes he does

7.5% unemployment, 7T added to the debt and 1.5% GDP growth after 5 years is a success if you set the bar low enough. "look we suck less than Bushney, best president ever".


Well-Known Member
look in the help wanted section............2 years ago it was nothing but trucking and nursing........things are starting to come around .......u can thank mr. obama