I'm no doctor, noobie needs assistance diagnosing plant issues


Well-Known Member
You would be amazed! Cannabis is extremely resilient! I have seen some plants here that have been atrociously tortured by their abusive parents...1000w 6" from seedlings, backyard dirt for soil, full strength feeding daily, feeding full strength nutes in Miracle Grow, 20 seedlings with some in the same pot going into a small grow area, I have even seen posts asking how much of their own feces and urine they should use!

Some of it is HILARIOUS! Some are so sad they make you want to call the cannabis abuse hotline on their parents. One last piece of wisdom...NOTHING kills more plants than their parents 'loving them to death'
hahaha, never a truer word spoken,,,,,, I love RIU..... It totally rocks.... ;-)
You would be amazed! Cannabis is extremely resilient! I have seen some plants here that have been atrociously tortured by their abusive parents...1000w 6" from seedlings, backyard dirt for soil, full strength feeding daily, feeding full strength nutes in Miracle Grow, 20 seedlings with some in the same pot going into a small grow area, I have even seen posts asking how much of their own feces and urine they should use!

Some of it is HILARIOUS! Some are so sad they make you want to call the cannabis abuse hotline on their parents. One last piece of wisdom...NOTHING kills more plants than their parents 'loving them to death'
Yeah the "killing with kindness" seems to be a resonating theme among beginner posts. Something I am obviously guilty of but trying to be more conscience about. Yeah I heard some rumor circulating about the whole feces thing......no thanks, I'm for all natural but not THAT natural.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Why do you need 6 to 10 75w CFLs (unless they are 75w equivalent) on a two week old plant? That's probably your issue, be it too close or getting too hot.
Why do you need 6 to 10 75w CFLs (unless they are 75w equivalent) on a two week old plant? That's probably your issue, be it too close or getting too hot.
I do not have all of them on at once (most of them are for flowering which requires more light,) but you are correct in that the I was using too much light with what I had. I noticed a possible nutrient lock out as well. I flushed, reduced to 2-3 lights and got the temps down to a steady 82 or so.