I'm an older adult who has never taken a single puff.


So you're wondering what the heck am I doing here? Yep, I'm in my 50's and have never tried weed (or any illegal drug). I've had opportunities when I was younger, but said no. Anyway, the past few years I've become very curious, as that curiosity factor has become stronger. When you guys talk about getting high, I actually have no clue as to what getting high even means. I haven't been able to try weed now because I just haven't got a clue as to where to get it. I don't know a soul who smokes it and just can't go up to people and ask if they smoke, even friends. What if they don't and then if I ask, they will know I'm interested and it could be embarrassing for me. So what do I do? Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
thats a tough one, do you live in a bigger city where you know drug activity occurs in a certain area of town? thats all i can think of other than go out to a bunch of bars or something and try to find someone. by getting high we mean smoking marijuana, vaporizing marijuana, or eating marijuana. its nearly impossible imo to try to explain what its like to be high to you, especially since its been so long since i started and first time the buzz is a little stronger/different but its hard to explain.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
the best place to go is a gay bar. mingle it up talk to a few nice fellows. dance a little, have a few drinks. dont get wasted though well cuz u know. then just ask some people. done deal.
What neck of the woods do you live in? Find some 22-25 year old college kids in a bar and ask them to score you a forty sack(thats a sack that *usually* weighs 3-3.5 grams and costs 40 bucks). Make sure they smell like alcohol or pot(if you know the smell) so you know they're legit. My guess is 7/10 people will bend over backwards if they were to find out its your first time at your age! I know I would! If you like it ,I suggest getting out of the drug world and investing a few bucks into some lights and grow your own. Remember, its just an herb, and its good for you too!


Active Member
I am also in my 50's but did try it when I was younger, so it was not a mystery to me, but I can relate to your concern. The first time you try, you may not feel anything...try again; I suggest an indica as sativa can make you a bit paranoid if you tend to be a little paranoid about trying it anyway. It's not as strong as drinking, you will not be "out of control" at any time... you will just feel warm and cozy most likely.

You would be very surprised in the numbers of people around you that smoke (depending on your location). You can't tell who smokes and who doesn't just by looking at them. It's not all younger folks, plenty of us "gray hairs" out here smoking and growing also.

You may just start a conversation with someone about wine or beer...and ask them what they think of marijuana in comparison? Ask if they have they ever tried it? It's not a crime to be curious, and you may be very surprised at the answers you get.

What state are you in?


Well-Known Member
drink 1/2 glass of white wine in 5 minutes and note your feeling about 20 minutes later.
if you drink a bit, you may need todowna glass.
this would be somewhat similar to being high in a heady way.

then if youdo a glass of red whine, and a shot of jack daniels. taht would be like a body/heady high. lol

basically when you JUST notice your starting to feel a very light alcohol buzz, this is pretty similar to the end result effects of marijuana
once your feeling a smidge more notably drunk than just the initial feeling of there it is. this is similar to some of the more potent tch.

just my comparative opinion for someone fully not sure what to expect.

does your state have Legal MMJ laws?

if yes, it sholdnt be to hard to have a conversation, find a club dispensory, and sit down and chat.

if your in a non mmj legal, its a bit tougher, but im willing to bet 40ish percent of the people you interact with on a daily basis are light to moderant Cannabis users.


Well-Known Member
In my neck of the woods almost everyone get's high & they even have Medical Cannabis festivals, Harvest festvals, Gardening Expo's, etc.. those are great places to meet people of all ages that smoke & r willing to share and pass it around! Depends on where u live... u might check to see if they have some in your area.

P.S. Yeah right Mongo frog gay bar? LOL He may not be into that...But yeah those fella's love to share their dopey's!


Well, I'm in Canada (Ontario), but did my schooling and college in L.A. I moved back to Canada in the mid 90's. I've also never been drunk. I'm not really into alcohol, but when I've drank a lot on occasion (again, the curiosity factor), there doesn't seem to be any effect. I once went so far as to drink 10 tequila shots in about an hr. (4 straight and then 1 every 10 min.) and felt nothing. By talking to me, you'd never know I even drank anything. I guess it must be my metabolism that doesn't allow me to feel the so-called effects of alcohol. So who knows if I'd have any unusual sensations smoking weed?

Thanks for the suggestions. They are good ones. I'll keep you posted if and when I do ever get to try any. If you have any more suggestions, please keep them coming.


Hey, we have an annual Global Marijuana March followed by an all day thing in a park. For this event, smoking weed is ok and the law never bothers anyone. I've seen it on tv and in the papers and I think it's sometime in April or May. Maybe I should go down and even though selling it is strictly prohibited there, maybe I can ask someone for a joint, emphasizing I've never had one before. Think they'd give me one for free?


Well-Known Member
Hey, we have an annual Global Marijuana March followed by an all day thing in a park. For this event, smoking weed is ok and the law never bothers anyone. I've seen it on tv and in the papers and I think it's sometime in April or May. Maybe I should go down and even though selling it is strictly prohibited there, maybe I can ask someone for a joint, emphasizing I've never had one before. Think they'd give me one for free?
You should go, It's alot of fun & the people are super cool & would love share...most grower's & fellow smoker's like for people to sample their stuff. You mention you have never tried it... they probably be so surpised they give u a couple joints. Goodluck! Oh unbelievable regards to the tequila... Most people would have passed out!


Well-Known Member
mary j, effects your body on a totally different level and way then alcohol. if you didnt feel the effects of 10ish shots of tequilla (im assuming this was in LA) then you got some WATERED DOWN Tequilla. lol prolly for an arm and a leg.

your body literally has millions of THC receptors in it. most lie unused. wonder why when marijuana, the only producer of TCH, is mostly illegal.

if your a religous person, god didnt put these THC receptors all over our body for nothing.

if your not a religous person, evoluction didnt develop these THC receptors for nothing.

to me it seems un natural NOT to use Marihuana, and reap its natureal ability to make me feel well and healthy.

ya, if you had a small sticker that said, FIRST TIME MARIJUANA EXPERIMENTER onit.
youd prolly get all sort of differnt stuff to try out. heh.


Well-Known Member
if you cant find none grow some ill be while till ur able to smoke em but hey at least you wouldnt have to pay or go around askin people and its safer too

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
So you're wondering what the heck am I doing here? Yep, I'm in my 50's and have never tried weed (or any illegal drug). I've had opportunities when I was younger, but said no. Anyway, the past few years I've become very curious, as that curiosity factor has become stronger. When you guys talk about getting high, I actually have no clue as to what getting high even means. I haven't been able to try weed now because I just haven't got a clue as to where to get it. I don't know a soul who smokes it and just can't go up to people and ask if they smoke, even friends. What if they don't and then if I ask, they will know I'm interested and it could be embarrassing for me. So what do I do? Any suggestions?
It's pretty similar to nitrous oxide if you've ever been dosed with that at a doctor's orifice.. errr.. office. :p

And I'm almost certain that you've been drunk a time or two so I know you have a history of "being high."