I think this is a really bad problem(pics included)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,
I have a really bad problem going on with my two older plants
They're 28 days old, I fimmed them about 5 days ago, and i started watering with just plain water and my plants started to get purple stems/yellow and purple leaves. The biggger ones not as bad, but the littler one is quite bad. Please help. +rep for CORRECT diagnosis


Well-Known Member
1. How often do you water those party cups?

2. Have you used any fertilizer?

3. What is the temperature?


Well-Known Member
Couldn't agree more with the above posters. Also, when you put them in bigger pots, make sure to use a different soil. That looks like mud.


Well-Known Member
The bigger one was overwaterd i do agree with ya'll
And i was using a nute but i stopped after i fimmed them, thats when they went all funky

I started useing the nute again and the bigger one is taking off and turning back to a normal color
The little one i beileve may not make it, half of its leaves turned yellow, but is back under control since i switched back to using a Vegg nute.

I really appreciate ya'lls posts, thank you very much. Growing under lights is alot harder than i thought.


Well-Known Member
How are they now 3 days later? Remember, watch the NEW GROWTH for new results, the old icky stuff will never look quite perfect. How are the new tops and shoots?


dude roots are not getting oxygen take of that plastic cup. roots needs oxygen ,in that party cup it cant get oxygen from the holes of the pot .

DJ GreenThumb

Active Member
First thing I would say is 28days in party cups is toooooo long. Better soil with better aeration IE...MORE PERLITE. With all those wood chips that soil has in there the PH is probably way off. I think the best thing you can do is get them transplanted into better soil, that would address most of you issues. Promix hp, sunshine mix #4, berger OM6 are all good soils