I need help to identify these little guys...........


Active Member
Hey guys/gals, i need your help to identify these little guys , they're all over the leaves, but on the top of the leaves and not on the under side that i can see......

I need suggestions on what to use to get rid of them....... Any suggestions are very much appreciated.

Also , its a outdoor grow....photo-1.PNGphoto-14.jpgphoto-15.jpg


Well-Known Member
It appears that your plant has some type of spider mite infestation. But, I could be wrong. No matter what, .. If i were you i would grab a quart and a half sprayer, and pour in a 1/2 teaspoon of azamax, along with a 1/2 teaspoon of neem oil and a drop of liquid dishwashing detergent and spray your plant with this mixture. Make sure you get under the leaves as well. Do this every 3 days for a week or two. This procedure will definetely help your unpleasant infestation. Its terribly hard to control mites when growing outside, but if your persistent you may conquer this problem. Good luck :)


Well-Known Member
looks like mites spray with neem, then spray again 4 days later
Neem oil works from "inside" the plant, you need to "water" weekly for at least a month...this way it does not affect the plant if they are in bloom, trust me I use it as a preventative now.
def looks like mite damage but those bugs on top look to big to be mites.
And yes if left long enough, they will get that big :o


Active Member
Thanks for comments, I'm going to spray with neem, but I was confused about the bugs
being black with white spot on the center of the body.......on top of the leaves,
i never seen them before ....