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  • Those are not spider mites. Looks to me more like leaf miners. Spider mites at fully grown will have a red body and when you squish them explode in red. I would spray them with spinacide like captain jacks deadbug which works very well. I protect a fairly large outdoor crop with captain jacks and have done very well this season. I have also had luck with the Dr. Dooms fogger, but you need to fog at least 2x 2 days apart. The problem is that when you spray and only do it once on day 2-3 you will have the eggs that the miners or mites lay popping and causing yet another infestation. If you spray, do it at least three times with 2 day grace periods so you can eradicate all eggs and future problems. After that you can do preventative maintenance once every week or once every two weeks depending on your outlook. If you appreciate my advice give me rep because this is a new account:D!!! happy growing e-mail me when that solves your problem!
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