I need expert weed doctors!!



OK. I used Miracle Grow Bloom Booster on my gurls who are now into the 5th week of flowering. It made the leaves turn in, so I went to this site and asked for help. I was told to flush them and add PH Down. I did not have PH down so I added distilled vinegar to the flush water on 4 out of five. The follwoing is what happened.


On the fifth I just flushed with water adn this is what it looks like....\


All of these pics are two days post flush.

Please jelp!



Active Member
"I was told to...."

Good job listening to stupid shit on the internet and not informing yourself.

My advice would be to take table salt and baking soda, just half a tsp of each, mix it in a spray bottle and apply to all the leaves and flowers. It'll um. Do good stuff. Yep.

edit: no really, keep watering with nothing but water. After another round of flushing, start back on 25-50% BASE NUTRIENTS only, don't put any stupid shit in there or you'll have deserved it.


Well-Known Member
I'll say you;'ve dug yourself a deep hole that you or anyone on this site can assist you in getting out of.

Good luck on finishing this grow, When you start your next one, make sure you hang around here and ask for advice.


Well-Known Member
Not heat stress at all! More like ph is WAY fucked, if u don't know how to use a natural downer or natural upper, DON'T! Just go buy some ph up/down, but ur plants are pretty mucj dead, id. B surprized if they came back, another tip, don't use MG, thet were looking like crap b4 u killed them, proper nutes and other things will lead to a much better and easier grow! Good luck


I went and bought a digital PH detector and found this morning that all of the plants are low in PH.

The plants are still really wet from the first flush, and I have PH up and down on order and will be here in two days. No one around here has the liquid, so I had to order it.

This is my first grow, so I am hoping that your advice will work. WEre you serious about the table salt and baking soda thing?

Do you think that the leaves are looking the way they are because of the flush? If that is the case, is a second flush still needed?

Any good advice would be appriciated.
