I need advice but without Judgement plz!


Well-Known Member
well I stand corrected. Kushluva enjoy your grow, and good luck with college. Im gonna graciously bow out of this one now.
why? this is stupid, is it your house? no. then do you have the right to break laws, which although you may not recognise im sure your parents do? no. so you should not be growing cannabis in there wardrobe disrespectful end of


Active Member
no need to talk man input not wanted unless you giving positive info
:finger: lazy punk ass kids. you want some positive info? if your parents don't figure out that you are growing weed, you may think you are pretty smart but it actually means they are retarded. then, at some point in time, you'll realize you are an apple falling so close to the same genetic tree :finger:

you don't have the RIGHT to grow in someone else's home without their permission especially when that person is liable for your dumb ass.


again with the title without judgement man unless your putting in helpful tips and info then dont post please its unecessary. If you would like to buy me a house tho your welcome to if not then dont judge because im not a rich snob that can afford everything!


Well-Known Member
why? this is stupid, is it your house? no. then do you have the right to break laws, which although you may not recognise im sure your parents do? no. so you should not be growing cannabis in there wardrobe disrespectful end of
well thats his problem then isnt it? not yours right?


Well-Known Member
I'd put money on this kid not being 18 or older.
And with that said... you've already messed up by saying you're growing in your parents house and acting like you'll be in such huge trouble if they find out... i feel like if you were 18 you wouldn't be all that scared of mommy and daddy.
If you're going to do things like this... don't tell people, because i would never help a kid grow in his parents house... go back to high school.


Well-Known Member
ok people have obviously never heard of plausible deniability, and in the case of forfeiture the house and other assets need to have been obtained with drug money for them to take it away. were not in the nixon era people if hes over 18 and they have no clue about it he is the only only one held responsible and the only one losing anything if he gets busted.

Patch Buddey

Active Member
Enough space, good soil, water correctly, and you got a plant. It is a weed. A lot of guys will give you the "perfect setup" as if there is no other way. I have a closet and a pot of soil. I germinate, plant, keep watered and light. That's it, and I get some nice stuff.


you make it sound easy patch lol but you guys i never said i would get into trouble i said i didnt wanna deal with them knowing about it cause i dont wanna b bitched at like alot of you are doing. i just want to try and grow and yeild some nice bud from plants that i grew with my own soil lights and water. I dont understand why some of you cant just get that and try to help out and for the ones who are helping i appreciate it a ton you have giving me a lot of helpful advice.....And svchop im getting my potting soil today and probably gonna look for the shiny material while im at it and mayb a smaller fan for my closet.


Well-Known Member
you make it sound easy patch lol but you guys i never said i would get into trouble i said i didnt wanna deal with them knowing about it cause i dont wanna b bitched at like alot of you are doing. i just want to try and grow and yeild some nice bud from plants that i grew with my own soil lights and water. I dont understand why some of you cant just get that and try to help out and for the ones who are helping i appreciate it a ton you have giving me a lot of helpful advice.....And svchop im getting my potting soil today and probably gonna look for the shiny material while im at it and mayb a smaller fan for my closet.
that's great bro I use old cooling fans from computers but if you dont have that i think they have them at radioshack im unsure what they cost but there not much you can wire them up to a old cell phone charger if you have one but they work pretty well.


Well-Known Member
scratch the miracle grow bro its a bit acidic if you already bought some your going to need some dolomite lime, im sorry