i have some glass to give away

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Well-Known Member
Cause it's actually a gift a guy can use!
Last year a bunch of my XBOX live friends sent each other gifts. My friend from Texas sent me a broken StarWars Force Unleashed disk and a geography book of Canada from when he was in elementary school. Library card and all.:weed:


Well-Known Member
It would be nice if you sent me a pipe to smoke out of since what i really wanted you to send me was a nug or 2 and i know that wont happen .

BiG PuFFer

Well-Known Member
Hi fdd2blk,, Merry christmas and thanks for the advice in the in the past...
I NEED a new glass piece.
I hade 2. one is tottaly resined out from my latest grow, to the point it no longer hits and cant be cleaned cause it's a sherlock.
My second piece was a heady one i got a while back. one day i was sitting in the kitchen smoken' a bowl when i got a phone call telling me my sister had cancer. I had the bowl on my lap and when I jumped out of my seat it hit the floor and broke into 100 Pieces.
I love smoking bowls, but things are really tight and I can afford to buy one, plus it would be cool to have one from you seeing how you halped me grow.
Anyway Merry Christmas and i wish you a happy and heathy new year.


Well-Known Member
Ok man, here's what went down.
I was in LA, shooting a movie, because I'm a part time movie star. Everything was going great, fuckin megatron showed up and was yellin at me and shit tellin' me to give him the allspark and I'm sitting there like "Wut?"
Well anyways one of my other jobs is a bear trainer so I took the bear we were shooting with and I took off on it. But Megatron was chasing us. He killed my bear and I was pissed so I busted out my light saber and was like "What now bitch" then I cut his ass up.
I was mourning my dead bear, when all the decepticons jumped my ass. So I carjack a Porsche, and speed away and they all chase me. I whizzin through traffic pullin badass manuevers but I couldn't shake them. I always keep a couple hand grenades on me. You know, just in case. So I dropped a couple of them and blew up a couple of those assholes. I just feel bad for whoever was driving that minivan..... But that's not important.
I'm so busy lookin behind me and throwin hand grenades that I didn't notice the draw bridge was going up! Any normal pussy would try to turn around but I knew this was my moment to shine. I light my joint and FLOOR IT! They know better then to chase me, and I think I'm golden. When I turn around and see the jet is still chasing me.
And this is where it gets really crazy.
The jet turns back into a robot lands in front of me and totals my Porsche. I'm pissed now cause I didn't get a scratch on it. I'm only like, a mile away from my house, but like, 60 ninjas, jumped into the fight. I pulled out my light saber and killed, 35 - 40 of them but then finally 20 guys all rushed me, took my light saber, and were doin a pretty good number on me, but I'm also a super spy part time so I used my martial arts skills and whipped all there asses. I'm standing on a pile like, 7 carcasses high, smokin a blunt, when the jet came back and I took my last grenade and stuffed it down his throat and turned his ass into car parts. The problem is a third of LA was destroyed including my house and my bong was destroyed. I could really use a new pipe.


Active Member
I do not need a free pipe and would feel uncomfortable to give someone my home address for a free one...Does anybody else feel this way???


Active Member
Don't get me wrong you seem like a righteous guy, but it's still kinda of weird to give my home address to a internet friend... Don't you think?

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Yeah, you have to watch out for fdd, he's an undercover dea agent and he just wants your name and address to narc you out.

Merry Christmas

The spoon in my avatar is a faded glass masterpiece


Active Member
I never assumed he was bad I just try to live by what I preach to my kids.. "DON'T GIVE OUT PERSONAL INFO TO PEOPLE YOU MEET ON THE INTERNET IT'S NEVER A GOOD IDEA"

BiG PuFFer

Well-Known Member
I do not need a free pipe and would feel uncomfortable to give someone my home address for a free one...Does anybody else feel this way???
Maybe you haven't been around RIU alot.. to quate adam sandler in Bulletproof " if he's a cop, ill suck your dick!"..but off course i will not cause i like pussys... Fdd2blk is the real deal. plus im in PA were glass is not sold


Well-Known Member
What up, fdd2blk. First of all, I wanna' say that it says alot about your character that you will give things for free, to strangers... Christmas or not.

Having said that, I most definately deserve free glass. My bong was dropped, not more than a week ago. Smokin in the basement with my buddy, and he dropped it... To help him feel better, I told him it was no big deal,... In reality I wanted to cry. They banned the sales of bongs at all the headshops in my area, claiming they were not able to be used for tobacco purposes.

Now all I have is my 1-hitter, and of course my trusty zig-zags. Im without glass.

If not me, a merry christmas to you and yours all the same, brother!

This is a very festive thread you've got here! Haha!


Well-Known Member
Cause it's actually a gift a guy can use!
Last year a bunch of my XBOX live friends sent each other gifts. My friend from Texas sent me a broken StarWars Force Unleashed disk and a geography book of Canada from when he was in elementary school. Library card and all.:weed:
WTF!!! Seriously? Remember to pay the late fee!


Well-Known Member
My story.

2 years ago on new years day the police came to my house because I had a warrant(failure to appear). Officer hardass, Officer we're gonna call family services on you stoners, and little miss ride along with cops for fun were on my porch knocking. I didn't think to check who was outside when I opened it because I'm not a criminal or paranoid about people knocking on my door. So I go outside on the porch and the officers tell me I have a warrant yada yada we need to search your house. Which i didn't know was legal when you get arrested outside your house. I tell him no way do I consent to the search of my house. Officer hardass then proceeds to twist my arm around to my back a shoves me through the door which then breaks the frame. At this point I'm shaking so hard from the anxiety of feeling I'm about to do time for my plants upstairs. He then searches my bedroom and finds 5 spoons, a grinder (they had no clue what it was except that it smelled like weed), a really nice heady pipe, and 3 bongs. All the while the female officer is talking about how family services is probably gonna take our daughter. Then officer hardass comes back from his look around my house and the female officer takes her look around. She comes to the door that goes upstairs and opens it. Real quick my girlfriend gets her attention and says that is my fathers apartment(lol). She then closed the door and then they took me to jail. When I get to jail I find out I can't bail out with the warrant I had. I sit in jail for 3 days before seeing a judge. When I get to judge he looks at the case for 30 seconds and then proceeds to tell me about the mistake they made because I did appear in court 3 weeks earlier. He says I'm free to go from his court unless I had other charges I told him about the pipes they found but he wasn't able to do anything because that charge is for another court( gotta love bureaucracies)... Then I go to the other courts and plead not guilty. Well I didn't get off on the pipes and I've been using papers and a cheap little 5 dollar glass pipe since then.. there's my story Merry Christmas lol:weed:


Well-Known Member
WTF!!! Seriously? Remember to pay the late fee!
Haha! 20 year late fee with interest. from elemtary school. Maybe next year I'll send the book back to the school for christmas with out the card of course wouldn't want to incriminate the last guy to sing it out.


Well-Known Member
i dont have any stories to tell for a piece of glass i would just like 1...that pic above of some of your works is off the chain...
keep up the good work and Happy Holidays...


Well-Known Member
what a coencedence. We just dropped our bong last night smoking sum xmas cheer and am in need of a new 1. We don't like smokin joints, only bowls. So if we don't get a free piece of glass then I guess I'm gonna go out and spend $ I don't have. Food or bong? We pick bong!!! Haha. Good luck to every1 and merry xmas!


lmao@fdd your a trip man. talk about suffers from GOD SYNDROME! lol

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