i have some glass to give away

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Well-Known Member
use this thread to write me a letter telling me why i should send you some glass. if i like your letter i will pm you for shipping details. it could be a pipe, or a marble or a pendant. it will all come to me as i read your requests. i may send out 1 piece, i may send out 100. we will have to see how serious people are to determine how far this goes. ANY drama in this thread will be permanently deleted. thank you for playing and have fun with it. :joint::joint:


New Member

hey, i just joined this site in the past minute. i have been reading this site for the past week as im want to buy a spoon now. the problem is im only 16, look more like 14, and all the stores near me wont sell. i have tried before, at the gas station. i went to go ask to buy this one and he was just like, get the fuck out. i would get one from the dealer but he chargers 35$ for one that is like 15$ so fuck that. so i pretty much cant get anything. i want to buy online but i have not found a way to get it without my moms credit card, and shell see that i brought from a website and ask what the hell is that. right now i have a bamboo pipe i made that is great, along with my friends homemade bong he made out of a paintball pod. let me tell you that thing hits like a champ but my homemade bamboo pipe is weak. so i just need some glass or something that is good for me and my friends. thanks, again. enjoy your holidays like i am:joint:.


New Member
I was brought up not to beg for something, ever.. However really it would be cool to have a piece from RIU!

As of right now, I am working as an aide to a commercial grower.. Last time I was harassed by the police I had to smash my only pipe.
Right now I am smoking out of a water bottle w/ a metal pipe.. It's disgusting, I'm not allowed to visit any head shops because of the possible heat (as per the over paranoid guy who I grow for) so I have no possible way of obtaining one; I was considering asking someone to buy me one however nobody I know smokes marijuana and can get to a headshop..

Yeah, that's my story lol.
If I was to get one i'd take a photo shoot with it before I smoked it haha, w/ my plants :D

EDIT: ^^^ He deserves it more than me for sure :)


Well-Known Member

hey, i just joined this site in the past minute. i have been reading this site for the past week as im want to buy a spoon now. the problem is im only 16, look more like 14, and all the stores near me wont sell. i have tried before, at the gas station. i went to go ask to buy this one and he was just like, get the fuck out. i would get one from the dealer but he chargers 35$ for one that is like 15$ so fuck that. so i pretty much cant get anything. i want to buy online but i have not found a way to get it without my moms credit card, and shell see that i brought from a website and ask what the hell is that. right now i have a bamboo pipe i made that is great, along with my friends homemade bong he made out of a paintball pod. let me tell you that thing hits like a champ but my homemade bamboo pipe is weak. so i just need some glass or something that is good for me and my friends. thanks, again. enjoy your holidays like i am:joint:.

you had me up until "16". :evil:
here i'm trying to be "good" and the first reply i gotta ban a guy. my life, ...

Puff Puff Give

Active Member
i think your should send me some glass because

- its Christmas
- i live in Australia
- its Christmas
- I'm pretty cool
- its Christmas
- and me and you go waayyyyyyy back to when we were little kids :)

if you give me some of your glass i will in fact send to you an Australian $1coin and if your lucky an Australian $5 note :)

haha :D

nah im not bothered, but can i ask why you want to do this?


Well-Known Member
alright fddd2blk heres my story, im 20 and I live in Michigan where unemployment is near 16% I graduated college at 18 as a motorcycle service technician. I still cannot get a job and statistically speaking its not just me. I am really having a difficult time over here I have 12k in student loans the government breathing down my neck for there loan money back, collection agencies calling me everyday. 1,500$ credit card debt. Oh did I mention I still live with my parents. SO as you can imagine I am one very stressed out dude that can barely afford to buy weed and have nowhere to grow it and a sweet piece of glass would really Light up my day.


I feel you should send me something just because you reprimanded me the other day! but hell I wouldn't even be able to pm anyone anything so who am I kidding! :)

ps (you reprimanded me and i was just being REAL!) :P


Well-Known Member
yes pity me pity me lol. no I just thought those were good reasons. I know others have it worse if I knew how to blow glass I would be doing the same thing he is right now. and if I had been able to grow this year I would have given half away to med users in my state. but this cant be proven cause it wasn't allowed to happen.


Active Member
i busted my fuckin bowl yesterday, dropped it on the only rock in the meadow.yep, hate smokin out of metal but im down to my aluminum bat or my ghetto vape, i would like to see some prices on some of those bowls of yours i saw once in a different thread. im almost to the point where im liable to drive into town, argh. i prefer mail

lol never mind, that story didnt even work on me, but seriously i would like to buy a couple nice bowls from you if possible


Well-Known Member
Hey fdd2blk, This is my very first grow and i have about a week left til harvest and I could use a nice new piece to try out my hard earned work!!!

Puff Puff Give

Active Member
well here is some funny moments ive had when i got high :D

well me and a few of my friends when we were 15-16 had madee a cubby (it had sofas, tables, hiding spots, etc ,etc) in the middle of some bushland where we can hangout whenever we want without getting disturbed... we called it "the shack"
and they wanted me to try weed for the first time, so i did. and the amount of fun i had was incredible.

at one point i was like,
Me - "hahahahahaha"
everyone - "hahahahaahah"
Me - "hahaha.... OI OI OI OI shut up shut up, waht was that?"
everyone - "what?"
Me - "i heard a phone"
everyone - "hahahahahhaha"
me - "huh..... oh hahahahaha"

and later we went to these local shops and the bakery was chucking all this bread into the bin, so we decided to have a breadfight, it was pretty insane

i thought that was funny

another time we were at my friends house and i was stoned and we were like

Friend - "oi change the channel"
Me - "i cant.. i think im gonna die"

then my friend starts laughing. and then all of a sudden i start pissing myself laughing on the floor, and could barely breath haha...

and yeahh... not that great, but if you were with us you would definatly find it funny:D
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