I have a date With lucy tommorow.


Active Member
Well lucy finally found me and im going to take some tommorow but i have a question as i have never down any lucy before. First this will be my first time and i figured that 2 hits of some blotter would be good and i was just wondering if this was correct or should i just take 1, i am no newbie to psychadelics having done shrooms and other dissociatives so i think i will be fine but just want to be sure. thanks everyone and ill be sure to post a trip report.


Well-Known Member
You will most likely be fine, but why risk it?
Remember you can always take more.
What if it's some rc on those blotters? How would you know?
Not a lot of people will dose them so strong where 2 will be harmful, but I don't think it's wise to jump in without testing the waters.
You can fit more than enough LSD on one blotter for a strong experience, but finding such a good source would be a rare gold mine.


Active Member
so take the first see how i feel then redose after that if nessecary? and if so how long should i wait before redosing if the first doesnt get the job done? also forgot to mention that i have a friend that took these and he say the were pretty good so im guessing there not rcs but who can really tell whats one there without testing them first i guess.


Well-Known Member
Erowid says onset is 20 mins to 1 hour. A bit of a stretch, but I suppose different factors can come into play. So I'd say take the 2nd if you can handle more after the first hour. You will probably want it, but always best to be safe when trying something new.


Well-Known Member
so take the first see how i feel then redose after that if nessecary? and if so how long should i wait before redosing if the first doesnt get the job done? also forgot to mention that i have a friend that took these and he say the were pretty good so im guessing there not rcs but who can really tell whats one there without testing them first i guess.
Is it a 1 night stand or are you planning a relationship?

Are you under any time pressure? Are you able to get more or do you have just 2 doses and you are done?

I'd take 1 (and only one) to measure, and if not enough, wait 2 weeks for the next dose, and take 2. Most people are ok with waiting a week between trips, but I prefer an additional for full recovery.

Don't know if you are able to or willing to follow this path.

Be safe. Enjoy.


Active Member
no time pressure but not sure when i would be able to get more currently have just two. thanks for the advice.


Well-Known Member
Ehh, crapshoot. Lucy can usually be felt 20-30 minutes, so some people will dose up at that point of they don't feel it. But some RCs give nothing for an hour or 2, and then hit HARD, so doing up before then can be dangerous.

Go get more now, have enough for a few runs with some friends, and plan it out safely. Don't assume you will be coherent in 6 hours though.

Rare D MI

New Member
If you taste anything bitter, spit it out. If you taste nothing but paper, eat the second one too... 99% of paper is weak.


Active Member
if i told u to take 3 u would think im crazy or just messin with u. but its only 1 more hit extra... what you should do is try 1 hit and thats it. u dont know how strong it is. my friend did half a hit last month and was tore, an experienced tripper too. imagine of he had 4 times as much.


Well-Known Member
Heh. You only have one life to live. What's the fun if you're not ready to risk it a little? Here's an idea. Buy one more. And give it to someone else to test. I would test it for you if you want. As long as it's not "Hells Bells".


Well-Known Member
if it is bitter that would prolly mean it was a rc right? such as DOC or DOB?
For the most part. Yes. But some blotters can be bitter and still test positive for LSD. Either from the ink on the paper or from a chemical used to increase shelf-life.


Well-Known Member
Eat both. I've always been kinda disappointed with experiences of less than like 200-250ug. If youve tripped before you can handle it. Remember a hit of Owsley was 300ug.

Rare D MI

New Member
Yes, bitter is probably dob from what I have heard. Any properly printed blotter will not have any taste. Most paper these days that gets around in unperferated white sheets to keep it stealth.


Well-Known Member
See, this is a problem. If some woman were to give advice to her virgin friend she would not say "well just let him put the TIP in, and no more, you can't be too careful". You are only an LSD virgin once. on the one hand, sure, be careful, but on the other - you will never be at that place in time again and it will be that much more wonderful if you are fully imersed in the experience. My first was in the 350 range and I can't imagine anything more thrilling, more exotic, more mysterious, more joyous than being involved, no planning increments, no watching the clock no checking out how I feel, judging the lenght of the trails and such. You buys your ticket you takes your ride.

then again, we don't know what this stuff is, now do we?


Rare D MI

New Member
Nothing like peer pressure. I ate about a 1000 mics on a clean head at red rocks last fall due to peer pressure. Not something I would recommend to amateurs to say the least. I had to summon my inner Neal Cassady to pilot that spaceship down the mountain and back to Denver.