I have a date With lucy tommorow.


Well-Known Member
My first time trying LSD was when I was sixteen. I took three fresh drops right after school. Twenty minutes in I was bitching to my friends that it sucked and wasn't working. I thought I got ripped off. Thirty more minutes pass by and I started seeing the wall turn yellow and colors slowly appeared. An hour later I was fried out of my mind, tripping balls. Couldn't see shit in front of me. Everything was melting and it was like I was in a different world. The carpet came to life, I got into a fight with the lamp, and some assholes (friends of friends) came over and started scaring the shit out of me by waving a chair above their heads and yelling monster noises. I also got lost in the front yard for an hour. My buddy had to walk me home which was right across the street. I tried to go to sleep but when I closed my eyes the visuals just got more intense. I even remember looking into the mirror and seeing my eyes popping out and my skin melting revealing and my skull.It was so weird, yet one of the best expierences of my life.

I love lucy, but it's not for everyone. You have to know your own limitations. No matter how high I get, I never freak out, because I always know I'm just high. My friend on the other hand can't handle a pinch of hash on top of A grade Indica. He swears he can't breath and starts freaking out like a dumb ass.


New Member
I'd suggest 1 tab to start with, but smoke a bowl after ingesting the tab. Makes you feel it faster and calms you down before tripping. I dont suggest smoking during your trip though, i kept smoking bowls with my friend and it eventually made me feel paranoid towards the end of my trip which kind of ruined it for me. Other than that your good to go my friend, please let me know how it goes for you, I personaly love acid more than any other drug and it has changed my outlook on life in the most positive way. Keep a good additude throughout and if you feel like your getting nervous just remember its just athe drug and it wont last forever lol


Well-Known Member
However, subjective time is so distorted that a trip can seem to last forever - that is a long time when you think you are going crazy....because the patterns you are seeing aren't symetrical. After all, sane people only see symetrical patterns, the insane don't.


Well-Known Member
I hope he took 2. Never in my entire life have I just taken 1 of anything. Unless I made it myself. The way I look at it........ people are trying to make money and HOPEFULLY not kill anyone....... so 2 of anything should be ok (unless it's some RC that you could be allergic to). Plus, what most people take I take 10x as much to be on the same level.

It's go big or go home when it comes to psychedelics..... I would rather take too much than too little..... sure you can always take more, but it's not as interesting as if you just took MORE to begin with. The worst that will happen is that you get scared....... which is part of the experience.

If it's real lucy, then it's probably NO more than 200ug.......... most likely 75-150 ug. Erowid and other places say 150-200 is an average decent dose. IO disagree and say 500ug is a decent trip. 1mg+ being an intense trip.

Different stokes for different folks. you just won't know the full extent of lucy from 1 blotter.