I have 2 questions .. PLEASE ANWSER THEM


i have 2 questions to ask

1. how can i stress my plant that alreadu flowering to give me seeds ??

2. If i put the last week or two weeks of flowering can i put my plants under 18/6 instead of 12/12 ? will i yield more bud i heard something like that ? im i right


Active Member
answer to number 1 is mess up light scheduale turn lights on for an hr in middle of 12/12 for about a week straight


Well-Known Member
1) its too late to get seed, you need to pollinate on like week 3-5 of flowering, your way past that. You don't get Feminized seed by stressing plants out, you get hermaphrodite plants that ruin crops.

2) No the plant will start to revert back to vegetative growth, giving the appearance of increased size, but just the leaves and stalk are bigger, the flowers are smaller. Counter productive. leave it at 12/12 for the best results.