I call it: The BillyBob scrOG.


Well-Known Member
Also...mylar isn't impossible to clean. You just have to be smart about how you lay it up. The first time I put up mylar I rushed it and tried to lay it up all over the walls...bad idea...had lots of wrinkles that yes, would have made it a bitch to clean. But, if you spread it flat on say a piece of wood and make sure it's taped down well...it cleans just as easy as panda film.


Well-Known Member
im building my room now, its only 2.5x1x5 (250w-hps)so its not much but very very stealth and as soon as im done ill show u guys the finished room design and show you that mylar is great to use in small and big area's...


Well-Known Member
Only spray when the lights are on. Don't mist 2 weeks before harvest. And use CO2 all the way to the end.

BillyBob, shit is looking amazing. Gotta love when you can't see the screen anymore! And I completely agree with your compare and contrast of mylar vs. panda film. I used mylar once, it looked cool for about a day, then the tiny splashes from my hydro bucket made it look all shitty. Tried to clean it: impossible.
don't you mean spray when the lights are off? i just read something the other day that said only mist when the lights are off because the lights will blow! so it is ok to get the buds wet well into flowering?


Well-Known Member
if you get water on your bulbs yeah they will blow. but plants really only transpire through the pores on the underside of the leaves during light hours. thats why u dont water at night. same theory. im not positive but i think u can foliar up to 4-5 weeks? Livehigh can clear it up. I feel u Livehigh on the mylar. I just always got water streaks after i tried to clean it up on my mylar. it hung nicely and works great I just always had streaks.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah Beennoobed ur supposed to use co2 all the way through. last 2 weeks is a time when the plants need alot of co2 and carbs to swell the buds.


Well-Known Member
foliar feeding. spraying nutrients on the undersides of leaves so they can transpire that solution. I wouldnt mist my buds 2 weeks b4 harvest. i probly wouldnt mist the buds at all, just the leaves.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, definitely need to foliar feed during light hours and only underneath the leaves. You're also only supposed to do it the first 4 weeks of flowering. But, that's just a guideline. Some plants like to start budding sooner...so for those I'd stop sooner.


Well-Known Member
billybob..dimension of the scrog itself...not the room, just the dimensions of the area the plants take up on the scrog?


Active Member
in a scrog it is imperitive to trim fan leaves out of the screen. not all of them of course. but the ones blocking alot of light. ive noticed that the growth tips have enough vegetation that they dont need the fan leaves. also i think about 1-2 weeks into it u should trim, after that dont touch a damn thing
1-2 weeks into what?


Well-Known Member
Been noobed. my screen is 9x4. the whole screen is full. Haze- 1-2 weeks into flowering. i trimmed everything I needed to 2 weeks into flowering. took me 3 days for 3 hours each day to do it.


Well-Known Member
Been noobed. my screen is 9x4. the whole screen is full. Haze- 1-2 weeks into flowering. i trimmed everything I needed to 2 weeks into flowering. took me 3 days for 3 hours each day to do it.
so you don't snip the lower branches at all before 2 wks of flowering? just lollipop them once you start budding?


Well-Known Member
i just trimmed everything underneath the screen. no light pentrates the screen so the buds down there would be shitty. so to focus the plants energy into the tops i just snipped everything that was below the screen and small tips that werent established and would of been taken over by the established tops.


Well-Known Member
i have a dwc 14 gallon res, im gonna cut 6 holes out, but now have decided im only gonna use 4 of them... im gonna use 3 gallons on water/nutrients when in flower, i have water heater, what temp should i keep my res at?