I am at a loss

I use a glass half full of tap water, let it sit for 24 hours then soak the seeds for 24 hours. Put it directly into the pot of soil about 3/4 inch down and cover with soil. Keep the soil moist and don't let it dry out. Should sprout in a few days. Keep a fluoro light above it to help keep it warm but don't use a heating pad IMO it can dry them out or get them too hot. Ive germinated hundreds of seeds this way, most of the time I don't even let the water sit I just throw em in.

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
I moisten some soil and poke em into the top layer, cover them lightly with a bit of soil and wait...

I just planted two seeds two days ago, by 24hrs they had cracked and by 48hrs they've popped above the soil with taproot heading down already. Hopefully by tomorrow they'll have their helmets off!