Huge problem


Active Member
my white widows and carmalisiouse plants started to get necrotic yellow spots that are aprox. 1 to 2 cm wide with a very thin brown border on its older leaves. i diagnosed as being Ca and Mn deficient. I added lime and foliar fed with fert that contained both Ca and .05% Mn. it got worse. now some of the leaf tips are drying and cracking and the new growth now has the spotts. they are im Miracle Gro potting soil and under a 1000 watt mh. a ph meter will be here in a few days. whats wrong and what should i do.


Well-Known Member
Hypothetically it's the Miracle Grow soil. it has fertilizer in it and you are getting nute burn.


Active Member
nute burn occurs at the tips of the leaves first and not in little yellow circles in the middle of the older leaves if i am to believe your stickys

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Sounds like you didn't diagnose the problem correctly.

If you want help you are going to have to give a lot more details about your grow... and
some hypothetical pictures would help too....


its funny that people think for some reason if this shit should ever end up in some kind of court

they think that just because they wrote "this is not real" it will matter


Active Member
im not a real grower. first hypetheticle grow. and there are plenty of people on this site that LOVE mg. i understand what you guys are saying but i cant give u pics at the moment. this is as detailed as it gets. the plants are 25 days old and were doing Great b4 a few days ago. they are in solo cups filled with mg and mixed with scotts to dilute the nutes. there souldent be too much nuts considering mg alone only has about 22 percent N. and i mixed it. they are starting there first 7 pointers and are under a 1000watt mh. i have not given them ne thing but water and lime. plus one foiliar feed or 1/4 strength fert with .05% Mn and some Ca. i gave them a gal. of water mixed with 2 teaspons of granular lime. and now they are getting more spots and a grey discoloration on their new growth. the spots as i sid b4 are necrotic circles and are in the center of the leavs. thanks 4 bearin with a newbie


Active Member
MAYBE ROOT BOUND BUT if it is still a question od nute burn or deficiency and they have opposite cures so what would you recomend doing? i may come off as sarcastic but i really apreciate the advice. All i know is that the new growth is greying and the damage to the lower leaves is not nute burn. i guess i just have to wait for a ph reading hypethetically to find out if im Ca Mn immoblie or if im too basic from the lime. WHat would a plant do if it was too alkaline? would it do this or do u think i didnt lime enough?


Well-Known Member
Honestly without pictures there really isnt a whole lot we can do. If I had to wager a guess off of what you have told me its neut burn and its root bound. I say this because you added neuts and it made your problem worse. Its 25 days old in a small ass cup and the new growth isnt looking the way it should. Is growth stunted/slowed at all?


Active Member
NO THE F'N THINGS DONT STOP GROWING. they r lil hypetheticle monsters. i will try my hardest to get u some pics. thanks 4 the advice, keep it commin and ill have more info in a day or too. THis forum kicks hypetheticle @ss.