How to make your plant turn purple?


Well-Known Member
It's sad; but true..

Purple Bud sells for more and is in higher demand when provided amongst a variety of strains.


Well-Known Member
to each his own, but i think the purple weed has gotten way to much attention, when most people go to the collectives thats all they are looking for is the color purple. dried or clones its purple,purple,purple. i have a few purples in my garden but im all about that light green.


Well-Known Member
Hi, i got a question.. how do you make a plant turn purple with out it being a purple strain? One method i have heard of is when the buds are almost done you gotta stick nails into the stalk in many places and it stresses the plant and makes it change colors? Does this sound familiar or has anybody done this? Is there any other method? Please reply. Thank you :joint::peace:
purple maxx will turn your plants purple


Well-Known Member
dang why do these kid get a lot of answers for these kind of juvy question while my thread doesnt get shit at all.
no way brother stress is good in a way it makes your plant tast better an it makes high thc count and as fare as purple in your bud just let the frost hit it once an it will turn if its a sativa strain


Well-Known Member
it got a bit cold here in sou thern ontario, just harvested last night and i noticed some buds and leaves turned purple, a little cold weather and some frost will always do that but really it don't matter cuz the weed is gunna smoke the same purple or not


New Member
Hi, i got a question.. how do you make a plant turn purple with out it being a purple strain? One method i have heard of is when the buds are almost done you gotta stick nails into the stalk in many places and it stresses the plant and makes it change colors? Does this sound familiar or has anybody done this? Is there any other method? Please reply. Thank you :joint::peace:
ok bringing your temps down can be risky i came across i half to say more affordable then advance nutrients and work just as good ok get to the point ..... emerald triangle products... i have this stuff called purple burst works really good look it up and give it a go you well love this company . o and try the cystal burst to .......