How did I get SEEDS in my BUDs ?


I have a sweet little bathroom op under 400 hps. Only two plants at the time one kinda big 3 foot or so, and the other is dwarf-ish very small but had the most bad ass buds. so im in the last 2 weeks using GH line and also budcandy. one week in to coolbloom powder riping formual, i mean im right at the end and ill be fucked i find some SEEDS in my lower buds!!! total seed count was 6. wtf no herm branches where detected on either plant. any ideas as to what happened? can pollen come in on my clothes or even from a house plant/flower?? im lost please help


Active Member
first, are u sure their full developed seeds? or are they seed pods. I had both of my females last grow, not hermie, but make seed pods that were hollow.

But yes, pollen can stick your clothes. always good to sanitize before grooming or tending to plants for an exposed time.


Well-Known Member
It is not uncommon for lower branches to hermie and seed themselves, especially in lower light set ups. The bottoms can't get the light the need, and they interpret this as stress, which triggers pollen production. This can actually be an advantage because it means the larger top colas are far less likely to produce pollen. Some growers actually pollinate a few lower branches on purpose to discourage late flower banana production on the main buds.

If you want to prevent this in the future you can try a different strain which might be more stress tolerant, improve light to the lower branches, or you can get a bottle of reverse from dutch master and spray preemptively.


It could even come in from cannabis you bought from somebody else, if it had come from hermaphrodite plants and still have pollen sacks intact. When you break it up it will disturb and release the pollen, which could very well fertilize any female plants you have near-by.


Well-Known Member
It could even come in from cannabis you bought from somebody else, if it had come from hermaphrodite plants and still have pollen sacks intact. When you break it up it will disturb and release the pollen, which could very well fertilize any female plants you have near-by.
Really? I never thought about this?! I'm on my first grow, plants are in pre flower. And the last weed I bought had a few seeds, crap. Sorry for the brief highjack, can you pollinate plants in preflower?