High CBD


New Member
They "Open Sourced" their strain... and are handing out/selling "r4 seeds". Not much is known about them though..
My R4 bags i bought had seeds in them.. so I technically have some r4 seeds i might try sometime. Also leads me to think that the r4 clone is a natural hermie... or it was pollinated

They have not given out clones..... yet
That's what I read MultiPass, I figured "open sourced" meant they were giving out free clones. lol. I'm always wary of these strains that come from some accidental hermers or unknown pollinators, I'm sure the clone is top notch, but it makes the seedline questionable for sure. That being said, I had some bubba s1 seeds. My keeper from those would put out a couple seeds per oz, but when I grew those out i didn't get any herms or seeds. Go figure.
