High cbd strain

Uncle Pirate

Active Member
stow you make a lot of assumptions, perhaps I'll take the time to specifically answer your question, thought I had already begun in pm. as of late ive been thinking its not worth it to banter w you for a number of reasons based on my observations of your reasoning. you usually come across as a level headed guy. tbh, imo just saying shit like, "I call it like I see it" doesn't mean jack. criticize whomever you like, as often as you like. keep coming across as a know-it-all and a troll like captain. I enjoy both of you guys here at riu, but it seems like you're taking matters far too personal, perhaps to unconsciously perpetuate an argument to blow off some steam. I've done the same shit when my life isn't going so great, no big deal. Corey, I like your drive-by insults... short n sweet... keep em coming that's some funny shit!
How much have you contributed toward anything grow related here or anywhere? Never seen a pic or read any good advice come from you, ever. Just jibber jabber and shooting the shit 24/7. The troll mask fits you much better.

Uncle Pirate

Active Member
You talk so much shit about this site and the folks here, but yet you keep coming back over, and over again with different names. Why? And why advertise your whack ass store/club to people you insult? You don't want to meet face to face so drop the tough guy act. And drop the pro grower act too, because that's all it is, an act.
Is this your 8 years of pics, or are there better ones? Because what I'm seeing isn't anything that justifies your self righteous attitude. Please point me to the ones that make you better than everyone. Please. Cuz I'm not seeing it. Or are you so high on your own ego that you actually think those plants and pics are the best?


Hey uncle butt pirate, were you around on overgrow? I won the pic of the month contest November '05, and my herb was on the front page of the site when it was busted by RCMP. Is that a contribution somehwhere? Just cause you choose not to look anywhere but your cubby hole where your friends don't ban you for having multiple names and trolling, doesn't mean the proof isn't out there. 5/10 of the best growers I know have never even looked on the Internet for weed information.

Your fucking Internet hang up is childish. You somehow get away with threatening physical harm to people in private messages and don't get reprimanded when its reported. You need to realize that not all of us are scared little bitches like you that won't meet face to face and put their herb where their mouth is. We know each other in real life. This isn't an Internet game for us. This is a legitimate industry and life consuming passion.

Keep reading and repeating Internet rumors as well as making up your own... We'll keep talking to the real life players face to face and telling it like it is...

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member

  • You somehow get away with threatening physical harm to people in private messages and don't get reprimanded when its reported.

    sounds just like my 5 year old when a slap fight breaks out at home and I don't ground his brother.​


Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
don't forget its on the internet too so its like really going to happen ghosty. plus its recorded somewhere for eternity so bring it to the trial brah!

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
haven't tried link but I'm sure that ghost OG recent posted pic is the shizzle especially if it's a RDankness specifically selected genotype 'cut'... even if it has a smidgeon of leaf discoloration. C'mon, lol. Fk'r one some awards, must be ok. super sativas are where it's at, hype or no-hype, And so many sativa hybrids to choose from (whatever the origin)... -makes my outlook improve and my mind soar.


Well-Known Member
will you fucking PLEASE STOP linking ICmag and mentioning that site on HERE!!! every fucking post you make has a referral to ICmag. no one gives a flying shit about you or icmag. so either piss off, or play nice here at RIU.

thank you and enjoy your stay at RIU!!!

this message was brought to you by the letters R I and U. put them together and you get


abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Ohhh sheeeet - that wuz thee Ghost Train Haze, my badd. that shit might do the trick!If you haven't read the thread demon wtf... that guy only posted an icanna link AFTER 'pirate' -total stalker- posted arbitrary icanna link of ghost guy's possible pic from 1979. Fuck all of you trollie-type mothers. Yes, welcome to roll it up.:cool:

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm sure no one here would smoke on any of the herb I grow...
I've smoked the erb you grow and didn't feel shit....

But i was already pretty bent from the first 3 spiffs that went around before it lol!

Everyone here getting upset is just wasting their time, I've met and consider myself cool with both sides of the (whateverisgoingonhere) and you're all just wasting your time. RD is that nigga you love to hate, everyone arguing with him is just fueling him which is pretty funny. My brothers who are hatin on him have legit rights to hate, he's a bona fide asshole but that's his gig.

To both sides, get over it!

Uncle Pirate

Active Member
Ohhh sheeeet - that wuz thee Ghost Train Haze, my badd. that shit might do the trick!If you haven't read the thread demon wtf... that guy only posted an icanna link AFTER 'pirate' -total stalker- posted arbitrary icanna link of ghost guy's possible pic from 1979. Fuck all of you trollie-type mothers. Yes, welcome to roll it up.:cool:
Dude, worry about yourself. Following that idiot around, sticking up for him and making enemies over him is ignorant and shows you have no integrity. I'm not a stalker or a troll. Like I've said before, I've contributed tons more than you ever have so go grow some fucking weed and be your own guy.


Well-Known Member
Personal opinions aside, I'm loving the business strategy of alienating customers.

Reverse psychology. Brilliant.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
still haven't formed an opinion if you and pirate are actually somehow helping to promote the guys biz in your backwards inadvertent way, Or really just simply willing to go out of your way to attempt to kock-block ("alienate") another man's business based on personal preferences and past pissin matches. it's all kinda hilarious and I hope everyone learns to chill out and get better at ignoring each other, hey why the f'k not. peace


Well-Known Member
still haven't formed an opinion if you and pirate are actually somehow helping to promote the guys biz in your backwards inadvertent way, Or really just simply willing to go out of your way to attempt to kock-block ("alienate") another man's business based on personal preferences and past pissin matches. it's all kinda hilarious and I hope everyone learns to chill out and get better at ignoring each other, hey why the f'k not. peace
And I still haven't formed an opinion as to why you've made it your life's work to play cyber-bodyguard for the guy.

He runs his mouth, and people respond. Simple concept abe.

You must be getting a 10% discount. I know you wouldn't be wasting so much time for free.


Well-Known Member
Are there places in A2- that is ann arbor? Correct?- were we can buy genetics? Every one up here is hiding and praying for some help.


Well-Known Member
You guys seem to waste a lot of time for free.... Unless that potdouche guy is paying you to troll me... Which I wouldn't doubt. Wanna talk about alienating customers... Dude bans members from his forum that he's trying to sell seeds through, for trying to help people, but lets shit slinging like we're doing now go on all day long. He wants all you sheeple to follow his rules and send your money overseas for your genes. And he bans anyone who promotes not doing that. After everything I have said, I gurantee this post gets me banned...

keep your money in MI! Why hurt our economy more by sending your cash out of the country? Support that colored mitten thing and that place in A2. I don't care which one, just stop feeding the bullshit Seedbank money grab game. If you knew half the stories I do about what goes on with them, you'd seriously reconsider giving them any information about yourself or anyone you know.
I agree with this 100%.

But if you truly believed what you just typed, then why do you constantly talk down to the very people that you're encouraging to spend money at your store? Do you feel that treating people like assholes is good for business? I'd love to know your position on this. I'm really baffled by this strategy. lol

Either way, there are dozens of options in state, or a short car ride over to windsor ....and many more on the net. Personally I'm going to check out the greenmitten soon. Those cats seem like decent people. I would be happy to support a local company that isn't run by arrogant assholes.


Well-Known Member
Right... Cause driving across an international border with seeds is legal, safe and keeps the money in MI....

My thoughts on business... I have heard Steve jobs was an asshole... It really stops people from buying apple products too...

If the product is a winner, it's gonna sell no matter who is selling it. Fact. I know I'm an asshole, it's by design. Keeps unwanted people out of my life. I don't have to hide in a cubby hole to avoid the landmines, I just set my own and watch people stumble over them.
You're not Steve Jobs, and you don't have proprietary merchandise. What you're selling can be purchased through 100's of different vendors. Being an asshole will keep more than just unwanted people out of your life.

Hopefully you grow up and figure this out before it's too late and your little seed boutique goes out of business.