Hermi question


Active Member
I've got a strain from harborside called smoothie, they said that they got it from cali bean bank. Its blueberry x mango. Today I was in the garden and found one male flower that opened. Now, the problem is that i've got alot of them in a 4x8. Just because I found this lil shit do you guys thing I should scrap the whole grow? Is it posible it was a fluke and they are fine?


seperate the hermi from the others and keep your fingers crossed you won't find seeds later. I had both my plants turn hermi on me in the 6th week...still picking the little male pedals off the plants. Since I will harvest within the next week or so I'm not to worried...it is what it is.


Active Member
I found one male pod on one plant. My question is, should I cut them all because they are all from the same mother. Or is it possible that it just threw out a pod on a fluke and they will be fine? Im 90% sure im gonna pull em all. Not worth ruining my other plants. Any opinions would be great and sorry for not being clear.
growing indoors we had a some strains that were hermying, so we were trying to let them ride and just pulling the sacs off. i actually saw a sac open with some yellowish powder on a leaf! body bagged those bitches and all the others made it.

Green Revolution

Active Member
I just chopped down a GORGEOUS 4' hermi 3 weeks into flower after finding a few pods forming in the undergrowth today. :cuss:My PH pen has apparently been WAAAAY off for 2 weeks despite successful calibrations. This wreaked havoc with my girls and now lets just say I feel your pain dude.

If I were you, I would kill the herm, and keep a strong eye out on the rest of the crop. If I had more than 2 or 3 more pop up and conditions have remained ideal I would pull the plug and scrap genetics. :wall:

Sorry about your luck brother.
I found one male pod on one plant. My question is, should I cut them all because they are all from the same mother. Or is it possible that it just threw out a pod on a fluke and they will be fine? Im 90% sure im gonna pull em all. Not worth ruining my other plants. Any opinions would be great and sorry for not being clear.
Hermi happens most often from stress. This can be from nutrient stress, light stress, temperature stress. So yeah in future learn from what u did and they wont hermi as much if at all. Its marijauana's natural defense mechanism to save itself from bad conditions. RULE of thumb for hermi is to Chop the balls off. If a particular branch is hermi and the rest are not , CUT THE BRANCH. If after manicuring it continues to turn hermi, Get rid of the plant. This does not mean u have to scrap the whole room, or the whole strain and start again from clones from mother.... Nor does it mean u scrap mother. If, you do unfortunently begin to see balls forming on all ur bitches, same process but on the whole room. Chop balls. Chop Branches. Then last resort, Chop bitches. IF this CONTINUES to happen on more than 2 or so cycles then get rid of mother. It means that either Mother has tendencie to hermi or that you do not have the cultivation skills to keep that strain female..... Goodluck