Help Please!?!?


Hello I have a 22 day old plant and the first set of water leafs are turning yellow with alittle brown and crisp at the tip if the to leafs. I am working with a Cfl setup 5000k, Organic peatmoss soil median, and i feed them pure water with pure water foliage spary every 2 or 3 days, the foliage spay at night on water day and 4 cups of water at base during moring time of light...Why yellowing and crisp?? hers some pics to hlpIMG_1039.jpgIMG_1040.jpgIMG_1037.jpgIMG_1038.jpg


Well its been 3 days sence that picture now, and the second set of fan leaves have begun to turn to a more yellow tint and kinda crispy at tip of leaf....... Idk is it because i dont use nutes or is it the genetics?

scottish lad

Well-Known Member
it could be due to nutes as in veg stage your plant needs a lot o nitrogen . but i could be wrong as you will know your plants .


Well-Known Member
Well its been 3 days sence that picture now, and the second set of fan leaves have begun to turn to a more yellow tint and kinda crispy at tip of leaf....... Idk is it because i dont use nutes or is it the genetics?
I knew that was gonna happen.... You are growing in peat and using plain water.... where is the plant supposed to get it's elements or nutes from? You are going to have to feed the plant.


Active Member
Could be nutes.. Maybe lack of light.. either way if it doesnt spread I think youll be cool.. Nice plant!


RIU Bulldog
could be nothing, as lower leaves will fall of over time as the plant gets bushier and they receive less light...then again lower leaves show signs of nute problems first...
But I think Serapis is right, your plant peat and pure water provide no nutrients at all. Your plants are big enough for any commercial veg fertilizer at full strength. Its worth the 10-20 bucks.