HELP!!! dropped lamp shade on plant split down the middle


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3358748 Damn yeah this is my first grow and I am freaking hope it turns out ok. I only have 2 plants and unsure of the sex. here's both of them last week
I hear ya mate. I'm on my very first as well and have been watching my girls like a first time Mom with a colicy newborn.
Hope all turns out well.

Your stems look great, BTW.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
oh god, not another man. I mean, I still stick around, of course , I would never abandoned you at this point, yeah lets hope its a female.


Yayy...thanks...I'm pretty sure she is...any average flowering time I can expect? I know every strain is different


whats with the zip tie if the crack in the plant dident fuck it that zip tie shore will ;)
That was my other plant that ended up being a male..but my hood fell on it and it split down the middle to the soil so I taped it up and ziptied it to keep it together long enough to heal...when it ended up being male I had removed the tie already it was healed and healthy when I disposed of it


wow look at all those trichomes and pistils, very very nice.:-D:fire::weed:
Thank I'm currently still running my 400w MH as I'm waiting on 2 150w HPS to come in the mail...and I'm wondering as to wether I should hang them both from above horizontally or one from above horizontally and the other on the side vertically

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
just hang them both above. remember Keep things simple kid. don't overthink things. make this as enjoyable experience as possible without worry so you can kick back, chill and emerse yourself in the beauty of the process of the plant growin, instead of the all the technical details. As much of your attention as possible should be studying her everyday, all the amazing wonderful magical changes taking place now. ;)

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Thank I'm currently still running my 400w MH as I'm waiting on 2 150w HPS to come in the mail...and I'm wondering as to wether I should hang them both from above horizontally or one from above horizontally and the other on the side vertically
Watch your temps with that much light.


just hang them both above. remember Keep things simple kid. don't overthink things. make this as enjoyable experience as possible without worry so you can kick back, chill and emerse yourself in the beauty of the process of the plant growin, instead of the all the technical details. As much of your attention as possible should be studying her everyday, all the amazing wonderful magical changes taking place now. ;)
IMG_20150325_215712.jpg possible hermi???